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Thalia's POV

There had been dozens of protests the previous day when the announcement had been made. Plenty of aggravated people made their opinions rather clear. Acts of vandalism spread across the entire area and forces were stretched thin to try and contain them even with the help of the Amazons and Hunters.

Countless citizens who had chosen to remain out of the conflict were injured just by being in the area. It was becoming more and more dangerous as people grew agitated. The acts of open disagreement were less organized, now violent and deliberate.

Medics got little rest the previous night treating patients left and right. Reyna was taking it hard. She'd managed to stop a handful of things herself and kept them from blowing out of proportion, but the looks of fear on those who were innocent seemed like spears to the heart.

It was no wonder she and Frank didn't even want to debate today. The two looked ready to just curl up in a ball and take the blows that came to them.

Everyone had gathered as they had once before, to see what would be said by the candidates. All of which sat at a long table which rested on a stage for everyone to see their every move. It would have been unnerving for anyone to sit up there with hundreds of eyes glaring at you full of judgment. All around the area centuries, hunters, and Amazons were ready to quell any conflict that arose.

Gwen was elected to be mediator despite her unwillingness to get involved with anything that was going on. I couldn't blame her. How many more people needed targets on their backs?

"I guess we can go ahead and get things started. First off, thank you all for coming. We'll do introductions." Gwen was being as informal as ever but she was clearly nervous. "Go down the line."

The first to stand was a boy who spoke elegantly but he rambled endlessly with seemingly no end to his words. It was hard to listen to. He was so unorganized it was almost painful. On and on they went one by one. My eyes narrowed and I couldn't help but clench my fists when the girl Lydia stood to speak.

"Hello, my name is Lydia Aster." She plastered a smile on her face that could have fooled anyone. Anyone except me. I knew she was a lying and evil little girl. "I'm extremely new here but I hope to find my place and I thought why not get experience with the politics around here. I've done as much reading as I can and hope to be a proper candidate."

Reyna shared a looked with me as I stood off to the side. We both knew she was dangerous. There was a reason she'd chosen to enter and if she could stage two explosions and four murders she was not to be taken lightly.

Eventually it came to Reyna and Frank who kept the introductions extremely short seeing as how everyone clearly knew who they were even those who wanted them dead.

"First discussion topic according to the most popular questions asked by the public." Gwen glanced down at the note card she had and biting her lip spoke with a sigh. "What is your opinion on the bombing attacks?"

Honestly I wasn't surprised and by the look on Frank's face he wasn't either. Nearly everyone had the same answer, that it was horrible and whoever was taking part in it was foolishly trying to pave the way for something that could be done without violence.

The question came to Lydia for an answer. She thought for a moment examining the crowd. "Clearly the people have something to say. To brush it off as an act of terrorism is too simplistic. Sometimes change calls for action."

"So you're supporting them?" A member of the crowd asked. Gwen opened her mouth to say something but Lydia was too quick.

"If the ends justify the means then yes I do." A few whispered remarks spread throughout the crowd at her response. The question continued on until it fell to Reyna and Frank. Everyone kept quiet to see what they would say.

Civil WarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon