"You may call me, Gotoh, if you wish, young miss." He smiled softly and I paused, he looked like a different person when he smiled.

"Thank you, Gotoh-san." I stepped into the room and stared in awe at the beautiful dining hall. There was a long table with seating for at least twenty people with high backed upholstered chairs, the table was covered with a beautiful white tablecloth with piercing blue embroidery and the entire table was set with pristine place settings.

"Please have a seat, young miss."

I stared wide eyed at the lavish dining hall before turning to Gotoh, "Is there somewhere, less fancy?"

He chuckled at this, "As you wish, young miss."

We crossed the dining hall to a secret door in the paneled wall. I followed him down a set of spiraling stone stairs and my stomach growled once more as delectable food smells wafted up the stairs. Gotoh tactfully ignored the unbecoming sounds my stomach was making as we descended the stairs and stepped into an immaculate kitchen. There were so many, pots, pans utensils and appliances I'd never seen before all in pristine condition in the stone kitchen. Fresh herbs hung in baskets along the wall above shelves upon shelves of pantry items, there was a massive walk in cooler and freezer system along the wall next to the pantry items and a cozy table that could seat ten people comfortably next to a giant open fire oven.

A somewhat overweight middle-aged woman wearing a frilly stain covered apron overtop a simple red dress, her unruly curly ginger hair tied back in an old-fashioned bonnet, was slaving away chopping various vegetables at one of the many pristinely clean countertops. She looked up from her task, flicking a pair of dull green eyes in our direction before straightening up once she spotted Gotoh.

"Oh! Gotoh-san, what a pleasant surprise finding you in my kitchen." She smiled a kind warm smile that instantly made my heart hurt, it was the first time in a very long time I'd seen someone smile so warmly in my general direction. Her gaze flit down a little to me and if possible her smile grew, "Oh, this must be the new little miss."

Tears welled in my eyes. I'd lived my whole life without anyone showing me so much as common decency let alone true kindness.

"Oh no! Gotoh, what have you done to the poor dear?" The woman cried as she raced over to us and swept me into a warm motherly embrace, "It's alright, little bird, you don't have to be scared, Gotoh is really a big softie, I promise."

I couldn't help but cry as I threw my arms around the kind woman. No one had ever hugged me before.

"Oh, poor little bird." She rocked me in her arms and cooed to me softly, "It's going to be alright." Her gentle hands wiped away my tears, "Come now, tell me what you would like to eat. I'll fix anything you like, cakes, cookies, cinnamon buns, brownies, pancakes, steak, beef wellington, shepherd's pie, anything at all."

"I'm sorry." I sniffled and stepped away from her reluctantly.

"Shea, you shouldn't act so informally with her." Gotoh reprimanded her softly.

Shea brushed him off dismissively, "Nonsense, the poor thing is absolutely terrified." She turned to me with a warm smile, "Don't you worry, little bird, you can come down here anytime you like." She lifted me with zero effort and set me atop the counter next to where she was working, "Now, what would you like to eat?"

My face flushed with color, "I didn't know any of the things you listed." I admitted softly.

"Oh." Shea frowned, "Poor dear." Her gaze swept over my various healing wounds, "Alright, how about I make you my favorite breakfast?"

"If it's no trouble."

She poked the tip of my nose with her index finger, "Don't you worry."

I watched her as she cooked, in awe. She sang as she cooked, songs in a language I didn't know that sounded warm and homey yet also had a bit of a melancholy edge. Perhaps life here, however short it may be, wouldn't be so bad if I could see Shea every day. Once she was finished she helped me down from the counter and ushered me to the table in front of the fire before placing a plat of mouthwatering food in front of me.

"You've got nice crispy bacon, eggs benedict over a toasted bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon, potato hash and a mixed berry parfait." She pointed to each item with a smile, "My absolute favorite breakfast."

"Thank you, Shea-san!" I beamed. When I looked around the kitchen, I noticed Gotoh was missing. "Where did Gotoh-san go?"

Shea shrugged, "Who knows that man is always popping up and disappearing out of nowhere, it's quite vexing at times." She ruffled my colorless hair gently, "Eat up."

The food was so delicious I nearly started crying again.

Video- Sorrows Passing Composer: Peter Gundry

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