Imagine Halfdan seeing you as a Goddess - I

Start from the beginning

It the presents of Lagertha and her shield maidens you had a hint of power more. You both walked into the great hall, she in a nice red dress curving over her body while you were in black, naked shoulders and your hair loose over it. You lifted the dress a little while taking the few stairs before the great hall. Your mother and Kalf immediately headed for Aslaug, to greet her and leave some kind of a mark on that throne. You knew Lagertha wanted that back and you knew she wanted rid of Kalf. You looked to the man, how he was so generous around her, like he really loved her. And when you looked aside you saw him looking again. He said something to King Harald before he got up, walking over to you. His eyes got greedy when looking over your body in that black dress. You lifted your chin a little. 'Not descent to stare.' You said on a neutral tone, not just willingly giving him your personality.
'It's a hard task to look away from a goddess like you.' He answered, not scared to put himself out there. You nodded, studying the tattoos on his face before you let your eyes rest back into his.
'A goddess is meant to rule.'
'Let me give you something to rule than.' He smirked. You tilted your head and putted on a little smile.
'You would do that, for a stranger?' You asked, knowing the answer was already pretty obvious.
'You certainly don't look like a stranger to me. Halfdan the Black.' He introduced himself. You knew that name from somewhere. You looked over to Harald, knowing he had a brother somewhere.
'Y/n.' You didn't gave away the importance of your parents. He was looking again, eyes swift over the dress, looking for every bit of naked skin he could find.
'Who are you, if you aren't a slave?' He asked, intrigued by what he saw in you, a goddess apparently.
'The future queen maybe.' You lifted your shoulders, smiling because of the subject. You could become a queen, you just had to find the right man and overthrow your own father and his witch of a wife. He licked his lips and your eyes shortly moved that way.
'Every queen needs his king.' He brought his cup up, drinking his ale without losing eye contact with you. A small smile rose up on your lips while you let on your turn stroke your eyes over his body.
'It can't be easy,' You started, pointing a finger over to Harald. 'Having a brother that is the king, leaving you with nothing to rule.' You brought a dangerous game up, a game that could go different directions.
'What are you suggesting?'
'Nothing, really. Just stating the obvious that you have nothing.' You smiled. Some slave girl walked by and you grabbed her full cup of ale, pouring half of it over into Halfdan his cup before you drank yourself.
'And without a king to support you, you have nothing either.'
'Precisely.' You wanted to touch his chest with your finger but you didn't. In the corner of your eye you saw your father approaching, he had King Harald with him.
'Halfdan, I see you have met Y/n.' Ragnar began on his own tempered way. You bowed softly for your father, throwing Halfdan a look before you pointed your attention towards his brother, King Harald. 'Y/n this is King Harald, he will join his army with our in the quest to Paris. King Harald, my daughter,' He introduced the both of your to each other. 'Not from Aslaug.' He grinned cheerful. You lifted your eyebrow, looking at your father his behavior before turning to King Harald who made a deep bow for you. You nodded in respect and looked aside to Halfdan who was literary shocked by this news.
'The princess of Kattegat.' Harald said, looking over you like you were some piece of nice silver found in a raid.
'Where did you hide her all that time Ragnar.' Halfdan asked without looking away from you. Ragnar laid both his hands on your shoulders, resting his head on it for a moment.
'She isn't for sale. She is like her mother, fierce, a fighter, you hardly could handle her.' He chuckled. You looked down and smiled. Your father always had a soft spot for you, protecting you more than he did with his sons. Being his only daughter gave you some advantage, you could do more. On the other side he held you away from all kind of dangers, like raids. Thanks to your drifted natured you just went, if he wanted it or not.
'I wasn't planning on buying her.' Halfdan reacted on Ragnar his words. You pulled your lip between your teeth while looking at the ground. The fact that he didn't hide his interest in you kind of steered you up. Ragnar was looking at you before he softly laughed.
'You can have her.'
'Father.' You warned him friendly. He let loose of you and winked, leading you with a soft push in the back towards Lagertha.
'But I need my princess for a moment.' He grinned. You bowed for the two brothers before walking after your father, feeling Halfdan his sharp eyes in your back. He wasn't letting you go. In some way it was more excited than hunting, knowing you were the wolf in charge and he the deer. But how fast would those places turn? 'You will have to marry someday.' Ragnar said, serious all of the sudden.
'Yes and it will be a man of my choosing.' You protested. You weren't gonna be that woman that would be forced to marry for alliances.
'You are just like your mother.' He murmured. And it was something you were proud of, being a daughter of Lagertha and Ragnar.

Your father was giving his Paris speech. You stood in the dark corner against one of the wooden pillars of the great hall. He was such a dramatic on moments like this, telling everybody how he was all healed up when he was not. How he was planning on taking over Paris with his brother Rollo again. Your attention faded from you father when you felt your hair shift over your shoulder. You turned your head, looking to Halfdan who stood right behind you. It wasn't a challenge in his eyes, more persistent, determent. He placed his lips onto your naked collarbone and something about that touch just hunted a shivering through your body. It was like that whole evening was foreplay. The words, the looks you exchanged, it had filled you with something ... now you knew what, desire. You let your head rest against the pillar, feeling his lips move a little to the curve of your neck.
'Can I have you?' He asked, his warm breath tickling your neck.
'No.' You whispered, not wanting to give away your position as the wolf in control. You felt his hand on your side, sliding in over your dress to your tights. He bited that spot right underneath your ear on the same time he squeezed that sensitive part on the inside of your tight. You couldn't ignore that, you gasped, wanting to pull away from his hand causing you to bump into his body.
'I won't ask again.' He whispered into your ear. 'How much I want this,' he pushed his hand a little through the dress, right between your tights. 'and this.' He grabbed your chin, turning you a quarter so you stood with your back against the pillar. He wasn't the soft kind of man, you knew that from the moment he laid eyes on you. He still had his fingers wrapped around your chin, a thumb almost harshly stroking your lips. You opened them, letting out your slightly speeded up breath. 'Why are you protesting princess?' He asked, trailing his nose over your throat, taking in your sent so deeply you felt everything in your body twisted around. 'It's not that I'm planning on killing you, I just want you.' He whispered. That the great hall was filled with people who could probably see this didn't mind you. You stood in the corner, in the dark and you father was just giving them the best of himself. So why should they pay attention to you.
'If you kill me you would never have me.'
'Precisely.' He smiled a little dark, licking his lips again. 'How warm do you have already?' He asked, pushing his knee between your legs so you had to part them a little. Only that, you tried to focus back on your father but it hardly worked.
'Pretty warm.' You admitted.
'You should take some fresh air then.' He suggested. And it wasn't in the way normal people would say it. But you nodded, knowing this was a way to get away from him ... not that it would help you. He made you a path by walking aside and you just walked, not looking over your shoulder if he would follow. You just walked in a straight line out. Your stallion was looking up, giving the comfort that he was here you walked over to him.
'I'm gonna do something very stupid in a short amount of time.' You whispered to him, trailing your finger over his black head. The idea of running off was pretty temping, but what of a woman would you be than? Denying your own body, denying your status as a princess. But when you felt that look again, just when you thought you would make it through, everything on the inside of you heated up again. You turned your body, looking towards Halfdan who walked an enormous slow path towards you.
'Can I have you?' He asked a second time. You looked up to him, half his eye covered by the blond strains of hair before you softly nodded. You changed places, he became the wolf and you were the deer submitting to his rule. He grabbed your face, placing his lips against yours. Feeling the urge of his tongue stroking yours made you moan, grabbing a hold onto his clothes. He wrapped an arm tightly around your body, giving you no change to back away from this while you only got scared about the short amount of breath you caught before he kissed you so eagerly. You hardly felt your body moving while he leaded you away from that naked spot just before the great hall. Only when you heard the cracking of a shed door you pulled your lips away from him, catching that breath you so hardly needed. He kicked the door shut with his foot and in the short moment you had you noticed to be in a shed where they kept animals but weren't any of now. The ground was covered in fresh straw. His lips attacked your neck, your bare shoulders and in that moment you just let go of your pride and took the change on wanting this as badly as he did. You fingers ran through the half part of his head, grabbing the strains of hair into your fist and pulling it back so he had to look up again. You contacted your eyes shortly with his before you placed your lips back on his, giving him a slow pace kind of kiss he groaned from in frustration. His one hand moved to your upper back where your dress was held together, while his other started to pull up your dress from beneath. He pushed you against the shed wall and you gasped from the impact. His hand had pulled up enough from the dress to get underneath is. Your legs reacted on his fingers roaming your skin, moving to between your tights. You wrapped an arm around his neck, almost thankful that he gave you the shed wall as a support. Where you give him a moment ago the frustration of that slow kiss, he did the same with you. Fingers hardly touching your flesh. You tried to turn your hips, to get something more than only that lingering feeling.
'Frustrating isn't it.' He breathed down your neck, kissing the places he could reach. And then his fingers touched really, cupping your female parts and you closed your eyes in the enjoyment of that reward. He started to brush it with his hand, so slowly it made you hiss. His other hand untied the knot on your back, causing your dress to fall a little open. You arched your back, pushing your body into his hand for more. With his warm breath on your skin he started to explore that part of you, putting a finger in, pulling it back out. 'All evening I wanted to do nothing else than this.' He told you, demanding a new kiss you hardly could follow with. He putted two fingers in, feeling the inside of you, roaming for that spot that would made you moan.
'Halfdan.' You moaned, trying to get some speed but he pulled out again, causing that frustration again. He placed those two fingers on his own mouth, cleaning them with his own lips before he started to pull off that dress. You pushed the fur over his shoulders, pulling out the upper half of his clothes faster than he could manage that dress. He pushed down the dress over your body, leaving it at your middle for he was admiring your body.
'Such beauty.' He admired, cupping one of your breasts. You loosened his belt, causing his weapons to fall on the ground, fingers trailing the side of his trousers. He started to kiss your breasts, biting your skin while he got down on his knees before you. Lips following your ribs, pulling the dress further down. You couldn't hold your body still, not a second. You felt the dress fell down over your legs, leaving you naked for him. He kissed down, snuggling his nose between your thighs. You panted, throwing your head up and closing your eyes by the feelings he caused. His hand went down to your hips, pulling you down with him on his lap. You kissed him, heated while his hands caressed your breasts again. You pulled down his trousers, finding him ready enough down there. Your dominant warrior side took a little over, pushing him flat down against the ground with his back. You pinned one hand down aside his head before you placed yourself over his hips. You lowered down, ready to take him in you but instead of doing that you just gave him a taste of it, stroking your parts over his. He groaned, trying to force you down with his one hand. You smiled challenging.
'Frustrating isn't it.' You fired his own words back. But being the stronger one of the two he got himself loose, grabbing your hips and pushing you down over him. You gasped, leaning on his chest while you held on to your breath. His eyes were closed, mouth slightly open while you both took in that feeling. He filled you in the darkest corners of your desire. You rolled your hips a little, moaning under the soft movements you made, feeling how he stretched and turned you.
'Move.' He commanded.
'No.' You teased, enjoying the little control you had in this pleasant feeling. He grabbed you harshly, turning you over to your back so he was on top. And he started to move on you. You closed your eyes, hands imprisoned in his hands you could only enjoy what he did. He kissed you, kisses that were sloppy under his determent rule. There wasn't any build up but he hit you every single time in that sweet spot until you couldn't handle it anymore and you released yourself. He moaned your name with every thrust until he came to and let his body sank down onto yours. For a second the only sound was your heavy breaths.
'Are you coming to Paris?' He asked. You opened your eyes, turning you head towards him. He pulled slowly out and you closed your eyes, enjoying even this ending part.
'Yes.' You whispered panting.
'Good, I may need you.' He placed his lips on yours, pecking them.
'Why?' You asked. He shifted his body aside you, leaning on his one elbow while he other still played a breast.
'To become my queen.' He smiled darkened.
'You know, if you kill my family I will kill you.' You warned him, although it didn't sounded like a warning at all.
'Looking forward to it.' He kissed your skin again and you closed your eyes. Halfdan the Black, a name you wouldn't forget any time soon.

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