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Calum was stumbling on the edge once again. Today was a one of these days where he would be down and depressed no matter what; he knew that as soon as he had stepped out of bed. Still, he had tried to smile and laugh. He had tried to cheer himself up a little. He had called Ashton and spent more than an hour at the phone with him. He had tried everything because he wanted to stay clean, but it wasn't enough. He felt like relapsing so badly, and he knew he would if he stayed on his own. He wanted someone to cuddle with but he didn't want to worry anyone. The brunette was that kind of selfless person. Though today, if he was not a little bit selfish by talking to one of his friend or family member, he would make a mistake. A huge mistake.

The teenager's hands were shaking badly and he was a crying mess, without any reason. He needed someone. He thought for a while. His parents were working, Ashton and Luke were together, Michael... well, Michael had nothing planned but he just couldn't see him in this state. Which left his sister. She was supposed to be out with some friends but he needed her. She had always been here for him and he knew she would get mad if she learnt that he was on the verge of breaking and that he hadn't called her. That's why the kiwi grabbed his phone and dialed Mali's number.

What are you doing, you should let her enjoying her time away from you!

The voice in his head was maybe right, that's what he thought. He was about to hang up when she picked up her phone.


"Mali, I-I'm sorry, I don't wanna bother you bu-bu-but -" the brunette was sobbing and the woman could perfectly hear that. She excused herself and went straight to her car.

"Cally, what's happening?"

"I'm not feeling okay. I need you, please Mali."

"I'm on my way. Stay with me on the phone, okay?"


"Where are you at the moment?"

The woman was trying to keep a conversation going on jut to know her brother was still there, that he wasn't harming himself or worse.

"In my room..."

The way he said that made the blond understand what the teenager wanted to do. She tried to stay calm and tried to keep the teenager's mind busy.

"Cal' could you go to the living room for me? Sit on the couch and wait for me there, okay? I'm almost here."

It was hard for the brunette to do so but he ended up going to the living room anyway. He had been in the room for less than thirty seconds when he heard the front door slamming and felt arms around him. Mali was here.

"I got you. I got you"

She was holding him as tightly as possible. Calum thought that he couldn't be crying more but he was apparently wrong since as soon as he was between her arms, his cries got louder. She kissed his forehead from time to time and stayed silent. She knew her brother didn't need her to talk.

"I'm sorry. I didn't wanna call you and bother you while you were out but I didn't wanna stay alone... like that." His voice cracked at the end.

"Hey, Cally, that's fine. You did not bother me, you do not bother me, get it? And I'm glad you called me. Do you wanna talk about what happened?"

"Nothing. Nothing happened, that's the thing Mali. I shouldn't be feeling like this. I have no reason to feel like this. Will I never be normal and happy?!" Tears shed from his eyes once more.

"You will be happy, I know you will. It takes time and you'll have to fight harder and longer than you've ever had but you won't be alone and you will find happiness."

Give me Michael - Malum AUWhere stories live. Discover now