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"So... do you know where he could be gone?"

"I don't. However I can tell is not far because he has left his car."

When he heard Luke saying that, Calum instantly knew where his best friend was: at Michael's. Even though he didn't know why for, he could definitely say that he wouldn't like it. The brunette felt somehow betrayed. How could Ashton befriend Michael? Of course the kiwi boy would have given anything to be close of the blue haired boy again, but after everything that had happened it was hard to even think it would possible to go back to the way it was before. Yet, his best friend did not seem to think like him since he was apparently with Calum's bully at that moment. Thinking that made the younger's heart ached. That's also when he felt it, the itch. He decided to ignore it and tried the best he could to focus on something else. Luke, in front of him, was an excellent thing to distract himself, especially when he opened his mouth to ask.

"Do you know if... if he likes guys?"

Without even saying his name, the brunette knew who the blond was talking about. The way he was playing with his fingers made the tan boy grinned.

"I don't really know actually. He never told me anything about being gay but nor did he told me about being straight. Do you like him?"

Luke didn't know why he was about to answer honestly. Was it the fact that Calum seemed nice? Or because he was gay? Or again, just because he was Ashton's friend? He could not tell.

"It is too early to say I like him but perhaps saying I have a crush on him would be a better way to qualify the situation?" the blush on his cheeks was very cute.

"I'll try to get something out of him."

The younger was surprised when he didn't hear the brunette saying 'Oh, you're gay?' like everyone else does. It could be because the Maori boy had already been through that, had learnt of it and was trying to make it easier for 'people like him' as they all said. They both smiled. The calm was disturbed when Calum's phone vibrated.


"Calum I... I need yours and Luke's help, please. One of you has to come to Michael's backyard and the other one has to go in the car and be ready to leave, okay?" the brunette first instinct was to yell 'you're kidding me, right?' but his best friend sounded so worried.

"Okay, calm down, we're coming." With that, he hung up and faced Luke who had a puzzled look on his face. "Have you got your licence?" The blond nodded. "Perfect. You take Ashton's key and wait for us to come back."

"What's happening?"

"I don't know, that's the thing."

On these words, the kiwi went to his ex-best friend backyard. He was searching for the blond when he saw him in Michael's room. He climbed the tree just like he used to and watched with horror the pale boy unconscious on his bed with an aid kit next to him. Words stayed stuck in his throat although they were millions in his mind. He didn't know if he was meant to say something or enter the room or just waiting here. His hesitations were soon interrupted by Ashton's voice.

"I need you to help me getting him out of the room by the window." The younger face was wearing a shocked expression. How could the curly boy say that as if it was natural to sneak out by the window with someone unconscious?

"What the hell? Why do you want me to get him out of here by the window? Why is he unconscious? What hap-"

"Later, for now, just help me."

Ashton's was ruder than usually. The brunette knew it was only because he was scared so he didn't breathe a word. He did as he was told. The pair succeeded at bringing Michael in the backyard but not without any difficulties. The two of them had almost fallen multiple times and they nearly dropped the semiconscious boy a hundred time. Fortunately, every accident had been dismissed and none of the blue haired boy's bruised skin had been seen by Calum. They headed to the car and put Michael in it first. Luke looked slightly shaken up when he saw him with a black eye and not awake. However, he was brought to reality when he saw a sick worried Ashton. Calum sat on the passenger sit as Ashton was next the pale boy.

Give me Michael - Malum AUWhere stories live. Discover now