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It was now Wednesday and Calum was shocked; Michael hadn't said a thing to him in three days of school. Usually, he would say hundreds of mean words a day to the brunette. This was strange and the tan boy didn't really know how to feel about it. He didn't know if it was a good or bad thing. However, he wasn't the one to complain to not be humiliated in front of everyone during three days. He was happy about it actually, but he couldn't help the sicking feeling in his stomach telling him something would happen soon.

Hi best friend was by his side, rambling about something but the younger couldn't focus. He was trying, he really was, but stress was always there. He knew he wasn't a good friend for not listening his best friend half of the time and for plenty other reasons, but he had no real control over it. Suddenly, he stopped walking to his next class, grabbed Ashton's wrist making him turned around.

"Ash' what if he does something worse this time?" Calum's dark eyes were full of fear and noticing it, Ashton wanted to punch Michael once more.

"I'll be there, whatever he plans doing to you, I'll protect you." The brunette sent him a small smile, wanting to trust him, thinking that Ashton was right, thinking he will be there.

The blue haired boy was with his friends but wasn't talking, which was odd of him. He was always the one joking and speaking and drawing all the attention on him but not today, or the day before, or two days before. He was so calm, too calm. He saw Calum and Ashton coming down the hall and stared at them. His friends noticed and immediately said things to him.

"What's happening Clifford? You're turning like the fag'?"

"Was his boyfriend right?"

Michael squeezed his fist in a ball. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't let them think he was gay and falling for the Maori boy. He wasn't. So he shut them up, telling them he was starring only because of the music project, not knowing he had just give an idea to one of his friends, Bellamy. The latter shot a knowing look to two other guys of the band. They would talk about this later.

First and second periods went by quickly then it was break time. The three guys locked themselves in the changing rooms, making up their plan and once they all agreed, went to third period. They would act at the end of lunch break, once everyone would be back in class. It would be perfect and Michael wouldn't have to worry about his music mark anymore. They were going to fix that. The only problem they had was to be able to be alone with the brunette.

Calum could feel some eyes of Michael's crew on him and he felt uncomfortable. Something was coming, he just knew it. At lunch, he couldn't bring himself to eat. Ashton was looking at him with concern in his eyes. He knew the kiwi boy was worried about what Michael could do to him, but it wasn't a reason to skip a meal!

"Hey Ash' I'm just gonna go to the bathroom if that's okay with you. I'm not really feeling well and the last thing I'd like is to throw up in front of everyone. Plus there's only ten minutes left before the bell rings so..."

"You want me to come with you?"

"No that's fine, don't worry."

The blond just nodded, knowing Calum just wanted to be alone. Ten minutes. Nothing could happen in then minutes, right? Besides, he was just going to the bathroom. But he should have never letting him go alone. He put his attention on his phone, texting Luke, not noticing Bellamy and his two followers rushing out of the cafeteria. He looked up, hearing someone sit next to him and smile when he noticed it was the blond.

"I was about to send you a text but I think there's no use since you're here." Ashton chuckled.

"You still can send it to me, if you had already written it."

Luke was saying that with irony, but the older, typed 'send', laughing loudly, the other one joining him soon after. They talked and talked and decided it was time to go, next period starting in less than five minutes. Luckily, they had music, which means they were in the same class and would be working together on their project. However, Ashton's good mood faded as he saw Calum was still not there. He was always early to class. He hated being late because he would have too much attention on him if he did. The fact that Michael and his friends weren't there as well didn't ease Ashton's worries.

The bell rang and the blond was typing his foot on the floor. Luke could sense his friend's stress but didn't know if he could ask about it. The teacher made them enter the classroom, getting annoyed when the blue haired boy and three of his friends arrived, late. However Calum was still not there. It seemed impossible for the curly haired boy to focus on the songs Luke was suggesting and the blond sighed, noticing it.

"Okay, what is it? I mean I see something is bothering you... Wanna talk about it?" The older thought about it a few seconds before answering.

"It's just that Calum's not here. He can't be late, and I think he would have told me if he had gone home."

"I'm sure he's fine. I mean, why wouldn't he?"

"I just... I don't know... i have a bad presentiment."

Luke sent him a small smile, not knowing what to say anymore. He thought about how he would like Ashton to act if he was the one worrying for a friend and decided he definitely would want him to help to find his friend. So that's what he did.

"Hey Ashton, have you tried sending him a text message?"

"Yeah, i've sent one minutes ago but he hasn't texted back."

"Give me his number."

Luke dialed the phone number the older had dicted him and pressed 'call'. After six ringings, he heard a small 'hello?" followed by some hard coughings.

"Hey! I'm Luke, Ashton is worried abo-"

"-I need help."

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