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Ashton and Calum were still on the brunette's bed, cuddling. They had played video games, played music as well and now they just wanted to cool down for a bit. They were talking about everything and anything though, the blond couldn't focus. Something was messing up with his mind and the brunette could sense it. However he had just waited for the older to come to him.

"How did you knew you were... gay?" The last word wasn't much more than a whisper. It felt like Ashton was afraid of actually saying it out loud.

"I just kinda knew it. Accepting it was a struggle though. But yeah, to me, at one point it became obvious that I wasn't attracted by girls, you know?"

The older kept silent. He was understanding so well what Calum meant by the accepting thing. He knew deep down he had a crush on Luke. He knew deep down he was as straight as tina turner's hair. Yet, he wasn't sure he was okay about it. Of course his best friend was gay and it was absolutely no trouble but when it was coming to him... it was different. The brunette was staring at him, waiting for him to talk or not to talk. He wanted to be there while his best friend was sorting out and accepting his sexuality, because he knew how hard it was to question yourself about it and having no one to talk to.

"You know you can tell me anything dude, don't you?"

"I think... I think I am gay, but I'm not sure it is okay."

"Ash, of course it is! Do you remember what you told me when I came out to you? Because I do, words for words. You said: 'no matter who you're attracted to. People like you for who you are, for your personality, not for the guy or the girl you're going to have sex with. If you're attracted by men, just go for it! Like, love and have fun!' So now, consider these words and don't hold you back."

Tears were silently running down Ashton's face. His best friend was so good to him.

"Can I know who is the lucky guy?" Calum winked.

"As if you don't know!" Both of the teenagers chuckled at these words. "We've almost kissed and I've freaked out so I left, and now I've probably fucked up everything and-"

"STOP! How that you've almost kissed?" The brunette's eyes were near from jumping out of his orbits.

"It's... well it's super cliché actually. Thing is he was tickling me and I fell and we were both on the floor, him on top of me. See I told you it was cliché! Anyway, we kinda leaned in and that's when a balloon hit Luke's head and I left. I don't know if I'm okay with wanting... him. Besides I don't know if he likes me or if he's gay so..."

At those words, Calum lost it and began laughing like he barely ever did. He didn't know if he was gay or if he liked him? Well the brunette knew both answers and they seemed so obvious to him!

"That's not funny! Why are you even laughing?!"  Ashton pouted.

"Sorry bud' it's just that he sure as hell likes you! It can be seen miles away just by the way he looks at you or laughs at your jokes – even when they're not funny at all. And I think he is actually aware of his sexuality."

"How are you so sure?" pause "Wait. Did he tell you something?"

"No! I mean... not really. I'm pretty sure he is gay and I don't know I just kind of feel that he knows it? I think that's because I'm gay too." Just by the way Calum said this, the blond exploded of laugh, soon followed by the kiwi. After a while they calmed down a little.

"What do you think I should do?"

"I don't know man. I think first of all, you should accept yourself and then you will be able to make a proper decision about what to do."

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