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Ashton stayed outside for some time. He needed fresh air to calm down before going at Calum's. Tears were running down his face but at that precise moment, he couldn't care less. He sat on the porch and hid his head in his hands. "Why have I been so stupid?" He was glad the Clifford's windows were closed otherwise he was sure he could have heard Karen yelling. 'It's my entire fault' was the only thing that was in his mind. He wanted to help Michael but instead of doing so, he had just caused him even more troubles.

When he finally stopped crying, he wiped his eyes and entered the house. Fortunately, nobody was in there except Calum. He wouldn't have been able to face Mali or Joy right now, not in that state. The blond quickly made his way to the sofa where his best friend was lying and cuddled with him. Both of them needed comfort. The Maori boy could sense that the older was far from being okay. However he knew he shouldn't ask but let Ashton come to him, so that's exactly what he did. He held him tight, drawing slow pattern on his arm. The other boy thought about what he could tell his best friend without giving Michael's secret away.

"It wasn't him, you know? It wasn't him who told everyone."

"Who was it then? He was the only one who knew." Calum could feel he wasn't going to like this conversation.

"Bellamy. It was Bellamy. He was at the park that day and he somehow managed to hear you two speaking."

"That's bullshit! We were talking very quietly Ash'."

"I can't tell you how I know it, but I do. I talked with him and -"

"- You two are friends now? You trust him. Have you forgotten everything he has done over the past year?"

"What? No of course not! I just... Something happened the other day and I was a bit worried about him so I went to check on him yesterday and we talked. Actually, he talked more than me. Anyway, that's not the point. I had never seen him that sincere. I believe in every single word he told me yesterday Cal' and I wish I could tell you what he said but that's not my secrets to tell. If you wanna find out, just go talk to him." Something in Ashton's eyes made the brunette believed him even if he didn't want to.

"So it was Bellamy?" the blond nodded. "Why?"


"Okay, I got it."

They stayed silent from some time, still cuddling although there was some kind of tension between them. The calm was interrupted by the older's phone vibrating. He looked at it and smiled when he saw Luke's name displayed on the screen. That's when the idea crossed his mind.

"Hey Cally' remember when you told me you were okay to meet Luke? I was thinking that maybe he could come over... now?"

"Okay, but he better be here soon before I changed my mind."

Ashton was happy and proud. Happy because two of his closest friends would spend time together with him, and proud because he knew how difficult it was for the brunette to meet new people. He quickly texted the blond and put a kiss on his best friend's cheek whispering 'thank you' at the same time. That wasn't very manly, that's for sure, however that was how their friendship was and no one could destroy that.

About thirty minutes later, the bell rang. Both of the two teenagers knew it was Luke but both felt anxious. Calum was scared of meeting someone new, and Ashton... well he didn't know if Calum was ready to meet his friend. However it was too late to tell Luke not to come so the older patted the brunette shoulder and went to open the door.

"Hey! Great to see you again!"

"Yeah! How are you?"

The two blonds began the conversation as they were heading to the living room. The kiwi stood up when his best friend came back in the room. His hands were shaking slightly and his heartbeat was faster than usual but he did not care. Luke sincerely smiled at him and without paying attention, he smiled back.

"Hey! I'm Luke! It's nice finally meeting. Ashton talked about you all the time." The two youngests chuckled as the third teenager blushed.

"Just so you know... he talks about you a lot as well. Actually he talks about you everytime I'm not the one talking." Ashton's cheeks were redder than ever as Luke felt his getting hot. "I thought I'd have met you before."

"Yeah I've hesitated coming say 'hi' at the hospital or today at school but I thought for a first meeting it should be in better conditions..."

"True. Thank you for that and for the other day as well."


Calum wasn't stressed anymore. He understood why his best friend liked him. The blond was nice, caring and all smiling. The teenagers began playing video games, and ordered pizzas, their stomach begging for food. As Joy arrived at her house, she froze in the doorway seeing a boy she didn't knew. As she looked at her son and noticed the happiness on his features, she grinned, deciding against interrupting the boys. Maybe he was finally starting to live again.

After Calum had win every single games, the group of friends were now eating pizzas. The tan boy was eating his slide very slowly and it didn't go unnoticed. However, neither of Luke and Ashton breathed a word about it. It wasn't the right time to bring it up. The older took note to ask him about that though. He felt his phone vibrating and his stomach twisted as he read the name of the sender.

From: Michael.

How have you dared? Yesterday you told me you wanted to help and you knock my door today?! If you wanted revenge, great job, you couldn't have chosen a worse one. Stay away from my house and from me.

The curly haired boy was feeling nauseus. He stood up quickly than ever and ran out of the house, not caring about the two other boys asking him what was happening. He headed towards Michael's backyard, climbed the tree and then knocked on Michael's window. He saw the blue haired boy half laid on his bed, not moving. The blond knocked again and again and again. He knocked until the pale boy decided to finally get up — not without any difficulties — and opened the window.

"Leave. You've made everything worse."

"Michael I-I'm sorry. I didn't think-"

"That's the thing. You didn't think."

"I'm really sorry. I didn't think she could be the one opening the door I-I... I never wanted revenge or anything, okay? I would never, ever played with things like that. I know I've screwed up but... Can I enter? Please."

The younger gave in, and let him in. He let himself fell on his bed, not having the strength to keep standing anymore. That's when the blond noticed the blood on the other on shirt. He sighed and approached Michael. As he put his hand on his shoulder, the blue haired boy jumped, scared. Ashton felt his heart breaking in tiny little pieces.

"Shhhhh, it's okay, it's only me. Have you taken care o-of what she" he correct himself seeing the pale boy looking down "they did to you?" The younger shook his head. "Let's begin with it then."

Give me Michael - Malum AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora