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When Michael's parents came back that day, Ashton had already left the house but not without promising Michael that he was ready to try forgiving what he had been doing during the past year and that he will be there for him from now on. The blue haired boy felt slightly better after he had seen the blond, but guilt was still eating him alive. He had never really liked sending hate on Calum, but always thought it was the only thing he could do. However, since a week or two, he couldn't stop feeling like a monster for doing that.

His mother knocked the door and he forced a smile on his face. He knew she would act like a perfect mother, playing dumb about the event of the day before and Michael had to do absolutely the same or it could get worse, so much worse. As she pushed the door, the teenager felt his heartbeat getting faster. He would never say it out loud, but he was scared of how things could turn out every time his parents where alone with him.

"Hello honey how was your day?"

"Calm, what about yours mother?"

"So long! I couldn't wait to come home. Did anyone visit today?" The blue haired boy held back a bitter laugh, it wasn't what she was really asking and he perfectly knew it .

"No one saw me, mother."

The woman nodded and exited the room. Michael sighed and laid back on his bed, happy his mother had not seen through his lie. He spend almost all his evening watching the ceiling. He didn't want to play his guitar nor video games — which was very unlike him. He didn't pronounce a word either, except when he told his parents he wouldn't come to have dinner since he wasn't hungry. He just laid there, feeling empty and tired until 4 in the morning when he finally drifted to sleep.

Calum felt anxious as soon as his alarm rang. He had to go back to school today. He didn't want to, he was kind of scared to actually. What if things get bad again? What if they beat him up again? He felt his stomach aching and knew he shouldn't eat. The brunette dressed up after a quick shower and went downstairs with his schoolbag. Mali offered him some pancakes and he was instantly taken by nausea.

"No thanks I'm not hungry." When Calum saw the concern in his sister's eyes, he carried on. "It ain't what you think Mali, I'm just stressed this morning, like a lot, you know? If I eat something I might throw it up immediately."

"Do you want me to ask mom for a few more days at home? She won't disagree, I'm sure of that."

"No, that's fine. It won't fix anything to wait, it would just increased my stress... Time to go, I see you tonight!"

Calum stepped out of his house and smiled when he saw Ashton's car parked in front of his house. His phone vibrated but he didn't bother to check what it was, already knowing it was a text from Ashton telling him he was there. The brunette sat in the car and said a quiet 'Hello' trying to make his anxiety unnoticed. Yet, the blond saw right through him but didn't comment about it since he knew his best friend had absolutely good reasons to be stressed right now. His look drifted to the Clifford's house. He had think about Michael's family issues all night long and he didn't know how to help the blue haired boy nor if he actually could help him. The Maori boy followed Ashton's eyes and frowned. He knew something was up but wasn't sure if he could ask about that or if he wanted to, so he kept himself silent. Both of them sighed, but for different reason.

During the drive to school, neither of the boys breathed a word. The two of them were lost in their thoughts. Calum was starting to really freak out about school. He didn't know if he'd be able to go through the whole day without having a full panic attack. Ashton stopped the car once he was parked and turned himself to face the tan boy.

"Cal, breathe. I assure you Michael won't be here today so he won't say anything to you. I also won't leave your side, so I'll do everything I can possibly do to not let Bellamy and his jerk of friends hurting you."

The younger just nodded, not trusting his voice right now. Though a question was in his mind, how did his best friend could be so sure Michael wouldn't be there... They exited the car and headed to the main entrance. Although people were staring and whispering when they saw him, none of them touched him nor directly talked to him. Maybe the day could happen without him having any trouble.

At lunch, Bellamy and his fellows tried to get the brunette by saying jokes and mean things about him and they succeeded. Only the brunette didn't let them see. His friend quickly made them leave but it was too late. The tan boy didn't show anything but inside of him there was a hurricane devastating him. The day wasn't going so well finally. When classes ended that day, Ashton gave him a ride home. The youngest thought the blond and himself would spent together at his house but it wasn't what was planned.

"Buddie, I need to check something at Michael's. I'll pass just after, yeah?"


"I'll explain everything later, but right now, I gotta go."

With those words, the older walked to Michael's house and knocked the door. As for the brunette, he entered his house. He wasn't sure about how he felt about the blond checking something at his house.

It took only two seconds for the door to open. At first, Ashton smiled, but he quickly dropped it when he realized that in front of him was standing Michael's mother, Karen. He shivered at the cold look on her face.

"Hello Mrs. Clifford, wo-would it be possible for me to see Michael please?"

"Hello to you too. I'm sorry but as my son is sick, I think it would be better if he had some rest."

"Okay well hum... I'll come back another day then... hum... have a nice evening."

The teenager's palms were all sweaty. He had made a mistake – a big one. He should have called him, not knocking the door! So that's what he did. The blond grabbed his phone and called the pale boy – thanks Michael for calling the other day and therefore giving his number to Ashton. After two ringing only, the pale boy had already picked up.

"You're a fast Clifford!" the curly haired boy chuckled.

"Yeah!... Why are you calling?"

"I've... I'm sorry. I've ra-"


"Gotta go."

The blond could feel the fear in his voice but he didn't have the time to answer that the other boy had already hung up. Tears were burning the older' eyes. It was his entire fault. He had fucked up.

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