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The blond rushed inside the hospital hall, closely followed by Ashton and Calum. His mom had called him about fifteen minutes earlier and he had instantly jumped in his car, Calum next to him informing Luke. When they reached the waiting room, the curly haired boy stopped his run, frowning when he saw two policemen talking to his mother. He knew why they were there, yet, he wasn't sure if he wanted to talk. They slowly approached the three adults and Ashton grabbed Luke's hand. If he had not noticed, both Calum and the blond had. That caused the younger to turn red.

"How is he?" The young men voice was low, he was afraid of the answer he would obtain.

"As fine as he could be. He's still currently getting surgery but he will be okay. However, he'll need your help to emotionally getting over what he's been going through."

The brunette looked down, thinking about what Mrs Irwin had just said.

"Anyway, these two policemen are here to help Michael. This can't keep going on. He need to get away from his parents. They're going to ask you a few thing and I'd like you to answer the most truthfully you can, okay?"

The three teenagers nodded, and entered in the room they were led to so they could talk without minding anyone listening to their conversation with the inspectors. They were aware the blue haired would probably be a bit mad at them for revealing his secret but they knew he would understand. Thirty minutes later they had told everything they knew about Michael and his parents. Calum wanted to cry since he was blaming himself for not having noticed what was happening in front of his face. He felt Michael's pain inside of his own heart. As they exited the room, Dr Pearson notified them that they could see Michael, even though he wasn't awake yet. They thanked him and headed towards the room number 408. Anne-Marie was probably already in it since she wasn't in the waiting area anymore. Luke put his hand on the handle and glancing at his friends he opened the door. The youngers entered the room but Ashton was petrified. His eyes were on a sleeping Michael. "You could have prevented this." That's what the voices in his head were telling him. He knew he could have. It was his fault. He shook his head, and left, running. He didn't turn back when Luke called after him nor when his mother did. He ran out of the hospital and to a park. Their park. Anger and worries were blinding him. He was responsible of this. He kept running and once he stopped, he noticed where he was. He needed to feel closer to Michael and at the same time in peace. That's why he had run to that place without thinking about it twice. The blue haired boy and him had discovered this place when they were fifteen. The pale boy had called him after what he said was an argument with his parents. Now, Ashton knew what it really was, and he couldn't stop believing that every signs were there, still, he had stayed blind.

Flash back

The teenager was walking, following his friend's instructions. He didn't know where he was going, yet, he was sprinting with the aim to arrive there as quickly as he could. He was worried, Michael's voice sounded full of distress. He arrived at a clearing and suddenly, he felt somehow more peaceful. He could already tell he loved that place. He spotted the younger so he jogged to him. The pale boy raised his look, letting Ashton noticed his teary eyes. The latter quickly sat down and stayed silent for a while, letting his friend getting used to his presence. The blond was hoping staying silent would make Michael talk about whatever was on his heart. The green haired boy — that was what he had dyed his hair at the time — didn't wait long before speaking.

"I hate them! I fucking hate them Ash! I need to get away from them!"

"It's just an argument Mikey... I'm sure you'll make up with them."

"That's the thing! It is not just an argument! I won't forgive them, they went to far!"

The blond didn't say anything. He didn't know if he should ask what it was or just stay quiet so he chose the second option, not understanding Michael's words. Not knowing that Michael would have told him about his parents beating him up everytime he was at the house. Ashton wrapped his arms around his friend, frowning when he felt the younger flinching. He knew Michael wasn't the one to complain about his family. It even was the very frst time he had seen him like that, crying and flinching. It was his first cry out for help, but he wasn't heard by anyone.

"Can I crash at your place tonight, please? I'd understand if you say no and ever-"

"I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind" pause "I like it here it's... quiet."

"Yeah, I've discovered this place about a month ago during a morning walk. Somehow it brings me some peace in all this chaos."

End of Flash Back

He hadn't understand. Ashton was blaming himself more than anyone else. He had everything to understand what Michael was going through, but he hadn't seen it. Or had he been to afraid he could be right so he hadn't removed his blinders? He wasn't sure. Yet, whatever the answer was, he knew he could have helped Michael long before. But he had not.

The blond looked at the clearing. It was their place. He had been there with anyone else than Michael. For him, it was still Michael and his place, even after everything that had happened between the blue haired boy and Calum. Ashton lied in the grass and looked at the sky. There were so many clouds that not an ounce of sun could be seen. The sky was grey. It perfectly matched his mood. He grabbed his headphones and his phone, ignoring Luke and his mom's text. He went to his music library and typed on that perticular song. Michael used to always be listening and he had never understood why, even though the song was beautiful it was also awfully sad. However, now, he perfectly got how his friend could relate to lyrics.


When the blond came back to the hospital, he was calmer, almost ready to face whatever would be going on. He passed the door, and instantly felt arms holding him.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin, don't you ever dare disappearing like that again, get it?!"

"I'm sorry mom, I needed some time alone to think and calm down. I should have let you know where I was going and... yeah, I'm sorry... Any news about Michael or his parents?"

"Michael's fine but asleep. As for his parents, the police went arresting them. They said with the pictures of Michael's bruises, his medical report and our testemonies, they have enough to send Mr and Mrs Clifford to jail. Though, if Michael decided to talk at the court, we could be sure they would be out of the game for a while."

The blond found himself smiling big while nodding. Then, with his mother, he headed to Michael's room. Ashton's smile became even wider when he entered the room – alone since his mother had decided to let him and his friends some privacy – and saw his best friend sat on the edge of Michael's bed, their hands intertwined. Luke was just next to them, a hand on the brunette's shoulder. The two of them turned their head when to him and glared at him, that was enough to make his smile totally disappear. The curly haired boy bit his bottom lips. He had seen this coming, though a part of him was hoping his friends would understand and that he could have escaped to that. Guilt was taking over his organism.

"Look guys, I'm sorry. I know you needed me and I left but I just needed some time alone to think and-"

"-Ash, we're not mad at you because you left! Everyone cope with their own way and yours was to be alone, we're fine with that.  We're mad at you because you were avoiding every single one of our text and we were worried sick! We were scared you were doing something stupid or/and dangerous and the fact you were purely ignoring us didn't help! You could have just told us something, so we would have known you were okay."

The blond was left speechless as Luke finished his monologue. He had not seen things like that. He could have indeed just informing them he was leaving and okay – well as okay as he could. He mumbled a quiet sorry, looking at the floor. Luke sighed and held him in his arms.

"That's fine. You're here and okay, that's the only thing that matters."

Give me Michael - Malum AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang