☁️Denki x Reader: Rose Festival

Start from the beginning


"I have an idea. Come on!" He grabbed you by the arm again, running through the dark woods. You squinted as your eyes adjusted to the lighting. In the distance you were able to make out a power station. "I think this is it." He said.

"Oh, I see. You could use your quirk to recharge the festival! Great idea, Denki!" But the closer you got to it, the more apprehensive you became.

"Uh..." You looked straight up from the base of the intimidating metal structure, not even being able to see the top.

"Alright." He started climbing the ladder on the side.

"No, Denki! It's way too high! Let's just forget about it. We can go somewhere else." You suggested.

"No way! You're going to see the parade tonight, F/N!" He held a thumbs up from over your head.

"It's too dangerous!" You yelled, but he was unconvinced. 'If he overdoes it... and shorts himself out... he could fall!'  You decided it was time to get help. You ran back towards the festival as fast as you could, no clue who exactly you were searching for. Someone who could reason with him maybe?

"F/N!" You heard a voice call.


"I'm glad you're here." He said. "We could really use your help." You looked up, noticing Sero lowering people down from the halted ferris wheel with his rope.

"But... I need you to come with me." You pleaded. "Denki is about to do something crazy and we need to stop him!" He raised his eyebrows.

"It's okay! I got everything under control, Midoriya!" Sero called from above.

As you sprinted back, little sparks fell from the sky, a beacon to Kaminari's location. He took a deep breath and steadied his balance, the cool breeze blowing through his hair. The tower shook slightly in the wind, making him clutch the pole tighter.

"Moment of truth." He said to himself, reaching up to the fuse box.


A powerful white light filled the night sky, sparks flying in all directions.

"N-NO!" You screeched. "NOT YET!" You weren't to the tower yet. "MID-" But he had already sprung past you, catching Kaminari as he fell from the tower. You caught up to see him, hair fringed, smelling of smoke. "Denki!" You exclaimed, kneeling by his side. "You idiot! Why did you do that?!" He opened his eyes to look at you. You sighed in relief, tearing up. "You almost gave me a heart attack." You clutched him tightly in an embrace.


VRRRRRRUUUUUNNNNNNNNNHHHH! You heard a humming noise before an eruption of cheers. You turned, jaw dropping as, right before your eyes, the lights of the festival lit up.

"You did it..." You squeaked, barely above a whisper. You looked down at him, noting that he must have passed out from exhaustion. You sighed, meeting Midoriya's gaze, which reflected your tired smile. He helped you carry Kaminari back to the nursing station to be fixed up.

His blurred vision adjusted, your concerned face coming into his view. He sat up abruptly, taking in his surroundings. "Woah... what happened?"

"You did it." You smiled sweetly at him.

"Wow, really?!" He lit up with energy. "That's great! So we can watch the parade then!" He was utterly delighted to give you something that you really wanted.

"Well... the parade is kind of... over..."

"What?" His heart sank.

"I mean... you sort of slept through it." You chuckled. He frowned, looking dismal. "But there's still time to watch the fireworks." You added, giving him a last glimmer of hope.

"Let's go!" He jumped off the bed, holding onto you for stability until his head stopped swimming.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Sure. Let's find a good spot." You walked back to the picnic table where you had eaten funnel cake together, peering up at the night sky. Suddenly the lights went out, just like before. Kaminari gasped in dismay.

"ALLLLRIIIIIGHT!" Present Mic's voice came on again. "We are turning off the lights because the fireworks show is about to start!" You chuckled as Denki heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"F/N... I'm sorry. What I did was so stupid. I completely ruined your evening."

"What on earth are you talking about?! You totally saved the day!"

"I mean... you missed the parade because of me... and that was your favorite part."

"You know what my favorite part of this festival is, Denki?" You took his face in your hands. "You."

"Really?" He asked, blushing. You gave a swift nod, smiling genuinely. His eyes twinkled and he closed the distance between you, sweeping you up in a passionate kiss. His embrace was energetic yet comfortable. Fireworks blazed in your chest as they exploded in the background. You were overwhelmed by affection for the electric boy. He was so tride and true, going to such great lengths just for you. You finally parted for oxygen, gazing into eachother's eyes.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" He scrambled, reaching into his back pocket. "Oh, dang..." He held out a tiny black flower, furrowing his brows at it.

"It must have gotten charred earlier." You chuckled openly.

"I swear it was pink when I got it..." He laughed with you, letting you take the singed crunchy flower out of his hand.

"I love it." You admitted. "It's so you. And that makes it special." He pulled you back into his arms. You sighed, resting your head on his collarbone, watching the fireworks erupt in the sparkling starlit sky.

I like Kaminari. Too bad he has like MINUS ONE SCREENTIME!

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