Blake turned around. "If you want you can come inside until your dad gets home."

Such a kind offer, but that mean I'd have to socialize with you for a fifth time. Four is defiantly plenty.

"I'll just go grab some food at the café." I tell him. Its a lie, but I'm such a believable person. Which was also a lie.

"Let me walk with you." He then suggests. "I mean they're a lot of creeps that way."

"It's fine." I play with my necklace my mother gave me. Nothing special. Literally it is just a cursive J for Julia.

"Alright." He seemed kind of bummed, but I will not be tempted by the guilt trip. Been with Rebecca practically my whole life, it's no longer a weakness of mine. "See you tomorrow Julia."

"Bye." I wave slightly indicating it is okay to leave now.

He opened his door and stopped. Turning around slowly. "You need a ride tomorrow?"

"I can take the bus." I explain.

"Alright be ready at seven." He smiled before walking inside and vanishing from view.

He just did that didn't he? My stomach growled. Just lying about going to the café down the street made me hungry. Eh, it's a five minute walk which is not too bad.

Just as I walked in I spotted every cheerleader at a nearby table

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Just as I walked in I spotted every cheerleader at a nearby table. Sighing, I walked to the order station for the barista to take my order.

"Welcome to café what can I get you?" He asked.

"Could I just get a plain hot chocolate, please?" I smile friendly.

"One fifty please." He says. I hand him the total. "I'll get that out to you soon."

"Thank you." I mumbled, walking past the loud teenager girls who spray way too much perfume.

"Yo Julia!" I heard one of them call my name while I went to sit down by the window.

Turning around slowly, I notice it was Tara. Out of everyone, of course it had to be Tara. If they could hurry up my order that would be great.

"Hey." I say somewhere suspiciously. I don't hang out with this crowd. Also Tara kind of dumped her lunch on me today.

"Come sit." Tara ushered the blonde hair girl at her side off. Patting the now available seat.

I took a seat. By that point I could smell the milk chocolate being mixed in my hot chocolate.

"Girl your hair is gorgeous!" Some random girl started touching my hair.

"Quit it Mercedes!" Tara snapped at her. She shields her blue eyes away from Tara's glare.

"Julia who do you think will win homecoming queen this year?" The blonde girl who Tara shooed off asked.

"Uh I don't know." I flash a smile. Regretting even joining this conversation. I also ain't a big fan of the whole royal status at dances.

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