🍋Izuku x Reader: Blackmail Part 2/3

Start from the beginning

"Yeah?" You inquired.

"Look." He hovered next you, flipping his phone into your line of sight. 'Oh god... does he have photographic evidence?!'

"No way!" You exclaimed. Izuku's blood pressure shot through the roof.

"Yes way." Bakugou smiled at Midoriya.

"I can't believe they're coming to town! They're my favorite band!"

"Yeah. The concert's gonna be kick-ass. Thought you'd want to know about it."

"Thanks, Katsuki!" You beamed at him gratefully as he closed the tiny website on his phone. He turned on his heels, flashing a shit-eating grin to a strung-out Izuku. He grit his teeth and clenched his shaking fists on the table in exhaustion. 'Asshole... He totally did that on purpose. He's going to give me a heart attack.'

"Izuku, you have food on you." He looked up just in time to meet your gaze as you ran a gentle thumb across his bottom lip to get it. Your touch lingered there, probably too long. Something was different between you now. Normally Midoriya would be flustered by such an act, but this time he simply watched, captivated. Waiting to see what you would do next. Completely without thinking, you popped that finger in your mouth, sucking it clean. He licked his lips in response, color rising in his face. 'Oh jeez. Did I really just do that?! What was I thinking?!'  You screamed internally. You were kicking yourself for not being able to tear your eyes away from him.

*AHEM* Uraraka cleared her throat loudly, snapping you out of it. The lunch table eyed you both suspiciously before returning to their business.

Gym class was even worse. It was one of those hot and sticky days, and of course you all had to freaking run. The most hated gym class days by far were running days. By the end, all of you were glistening in sweat, panting in misery. You went straight for the hydration station, grabbing cool cups of water for your classmates. You handed one to Izuku, who was on his back in the grass. You couldn't help but watch his chest rise and fall, heaving in air, his tshirt soaked with a layer of sweat. He greedily gulped down the water, drops spilling down the corners of his mouth. When he finished, he stretched out again, leaving a bit of his stomach exposed beneath his tshirt. You examined it from where you stood, seeing a few hairs just below his bellybutton. Your eyes traveled to his lush green hair and briefly wondered if the carpet matched the drapes. 'His abs are-'

"F/N!" Momo hollered.

You gasped, realizing that while you weren't paying attention, the icy water spilled out onto your shirt, soaking down the whole front of you. "C-COLD!" Your shirt was completely see-through now, your lacey bra exposed beneath it.

"Alright! Wet tshirt contest for everybody!" Mineta screamed, about to throw water on the other girls, but was restrained by Todoroki. You covered yourself with your arms in attempt to hide your breasts, as your nipples were poking through the fabric in response to the frigid water.

"Oh! Let me help you." Midoriya stood, unwrapping his gym towel from around his neck and dabbing you with it. He wiped off your collarbone, patting downward with both hands.

"Uh... Midoriya?" Todoroki spoke. Izuku was unaware that his hands were feeling your breasts, pressing gently as he dried. Unfortunately, his soft caress only exacerbated the problem of your nipples poking out.

"Yeah, Todoroki?" He asked, not taking his attention off the task at hand.

"Look at what you are doing." He stated. Midoriya's brows furrowed, suddenly realizing that he was essentially feeling you up. He gasped and blushed, retreating his hands close to his chest. Bakugou snorted in the background.

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