Prom chaos

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After getting accepted to college and engaged, which we aren't getting married until after college graduation, we had another issue to deal with: Prom.

Since, oh, I don't know, dances had worked out so well for us in the past, we weren't sure if any of us wanted to attend. It's not that we didn't like dances, but they always ended in disaster for us.

I stood looking at the poster on the wall. "A Night To Remember. More like a night for disaster," I grumbled.

"Someone's cranky," a husky voice said next to me.

"Not cranky, predicting what happens," I said, motioning my hand at the poster. "When have any dances worked out for any of us?"

"They would if people would stop messing with all of you," Shawn said to me.

"Yeah, but they never do," I sighed.

"Such a Debbie downer," Austin said to Nik behind us.

"Uh, huh," Nik smirked.

"Oh, great, the peanut gallery arrived," I said, rolling my eyes at them while Shawn chuckled.

"It doesn't matter though; Mom won't allow us to miss senior Prom. So suck it up, buttercup," Austin said.

"I should have beaten you in utero when I had a chance," I shot back.

"Ooh, I'm scared," Austin said. Then we heard over the intercom: Austin Frazier report to the principal's office! Thank you!

"What did you do this time?" Nik asked.

"Nothing! I swear!" Austin exclaimed.

"Mom'll get piss if you don't graduate," Nik said.

"Mom? Try Dad," I told Nik.

"That too," Nik added.

"I better get going," Austin said, shaking his head.

I looked at Nik. "Are we going to stand here or find out if he's graduating?" I questioned with a look.

"Hell yeah, we'll find out," Nik declared, walking toward the office. Shawn and I followed suit.

We stood outside the office looking at Austin stand there awaiting his fate when RJ and the double troubles walked up.

"What did this idiot do now?" RJ asked.

"We think they're deciding his fate on graduation," Nik shrugged.

"Fantastic! Your parents hit the roof, and your dad hits me," RJ grumbled.

"Shawn, Mom, and Dad are requesting your presence at dinner tonight," Liam said.

"Sounds good. Can I bring Mack?" Shawn asked.

"Is that even a question?" JJ asked.

"Well, okay, I guess we're having dinner at my folks tonight," Shawn said to me.

I nodded, then the next thing we saw was Mom and Dad come through the front doors looking less than thrilled. Nik and I looked at each other, and Nik said, "This can't be good if they bring in Mom and Dad before Cassen doles out the punishment."

So, we did what any wonderful brother and sister do. We snuck into the office to hear what was going on.

"What are those two idiots doing?" RJ asked, watching our recon to find out what the hell was happening.

"Who knows with them, but it should be funny when they get caught," Liam said, earning a look from RJ, JJ, and Shawn. "What?"

We waved at them through the window while hiding under the front counter in the office. Then it was quiet, preceded by yelling, then quiet and more yelling.

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