Crazy is as crazy does

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After our crazy weekend and touring the school and campus, we applied. What the hell? I mean, it'll be like high school when we were freshmen, and our older siblings were seniors. Leo and Nik made up for a lot of lost time, those crazy guys. The brothers were funny, but I can see why Drew felt protective over Liz. Not only were they hella good-looking, but they took a shine to the two of us. It must have something to do with being born with other siblings.

Shawn was also protective of me when they were around us. Aww, how cute that he thinks I need a bodyguard.

Halloween was in a few weeks, which was always an enormous deal for our family. It would suck this year since the older siblings couldn't come home. Eh, it would still be fun. It always is.

Before that, things got crazy with us. When I say mad, I mean insane is as stupid does. After many run-ins with Gage and Melvin, we all ended in detention together. Have you ever put caged animals in a container with hunters together? It never ends well.

We all walked in to find those two idiots already there. They were sitting in the front with a desk between them. I walked towards the back as RJ walked past Gage and smacked him upside the head. Liam flicked Melvin. Austin and Nik also walked by them, slapping them on top of the head, while JJ tipped both their desks over.

Shawn walked by them, rolling his eyes as he took a seat on the other side of the desk from me. Yeah, none of us were happy to be here since Gage and Melvin started it. Cassen walked in and took a seat at the desk, picking up a book to read while we sat there.

Then our phones buzzed. We all pulled it out, trying not to laugh.

Liam sent a picture of Melvin and Gage in the most inappropriate position with a horse. Austin was the next with a meme of the two of them. We were trying to stifle a laugh. RJ sent a photo with the title; Melvin is my bitch. That was it; we lost it.

Cassen looked up from his book and got up, walking over to RJ, motioning for him to give him his phone. He opened it to see what we had been sending each other. He rolled his eyes. "This has Frazier written all over it, along with Ryan and Jordan. Okay, hand your phones all over. You can have them back once detention is over."

Cassen collected our phones and a promise to call our parents - nothing new there. I looked over at Shawn, who sat there. I could see him shooting daggers at the two of them. What in the world happened between them? I know why Shawn hates Melvin, but what did Gage do?

I could see the anger radiate from Shawn. Now one thing you have to understand about the six of us, we get into trouble, sometimes our fault, other times it's mostly the other person's fault. We fight, then we move on. But Shawn wasn't like that. He was beyond pissed.

I tried to get the other's attention without getting Cassen's attention. I got Austin first, who gave me a look, then I mouthed something to him. He got Nik's attention, which got Liam's attention, which got JJ's attention, who finally got RJ's attention. I motioned for them to look at Shawn, and they all turned to see him sitting there, seething.

They all looked at each other; then I mouthed something to them, then they looked closer. It hit the guys what was about to happen. RJ gave Liam a signal, and Liam said, "Cassen?"

"What is it, Liam?" Cassen asked, annoyed.

"I need to use the bathroom," Liam lied.

"I guess you have to hold it," Cassen said, flipping a page.

"Dude, if I don't go, I'll piss all over the room," Liam warned.

"And he will too," JJ added.

"Fine, come on," Cassen sighed. He put his book down and took Liam to the bathroom.

Saintwood: Senior Chaos✔️(Wattpad version)Where stories live. Discover now