Issues and amends

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After Christmas, all of us were enjoying some downtime for the hustle and bustle of Christmas, well that was until things went left instead of right. It started one evening when Shawn and I were enjoying one-on-one time, aka make out time.

Things were getting intense, and I climbed onto his lap, facing and straddling him as his hands laid upon my hips. As things progressed, I could feel him dig his fingertips into my skin. Then he said, stop before he yelled, "Stop it!" He pushed me off of him.

I sat on the bed, confused as he paced back and forth with frustration, grabbing his head with his hands, then he turned to me. "What part of the word stop, doesn't anyone understand?" Shawn yelled at me.

The tone of his voice shocked me.

"Fuck! Doesn't anyone get it!" He kept pacing, and I quickly ran out of the room, then downstairs telling my parents what happened, well most of what happened. They hurried up to my room to see Shawn frantic; then, Dad called Jordan.

Jordan raced over and ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. He asked us to leave the bedroom as he closed the door.

Jordan calmly walked over to Shawn, who was hysterical. He put his hands on his upper arms and, in a soothing tone, said, "Shawn. It's me. You're safe."

"Why don't they listen? They never listen!" Shawn screamed.

"Shawn, I'll count to three, and I want you to count with me. Then I want you to take a deep breath. Okay?" Jordan asked with a calm tone.

Shawn nodded as they counted to three, and he took a deep breath, exhaling, making his body relaxed.

"You're okay. Things got a bit too much, and it was hard to deal with it," Jordan explained, looking at Shawn. "Now, tell me what happened?"

Shawn explained what happened to Jordan. Jordan listened, then once Shawn finished, Jordan explained the situation to him.

"Shawn, when you became arouse, it reminded you of what happened. When the assault happened in the boy's locker room, was that the first time you became aroused?" Jordan questioned.

Shawn looked down and whispered, "Yes."

"Okay, look at me," Jordan coaxed as Shawn lifted his head. "You're associating what happened tonight with that time. The brain keeps both memories. Because they forced your first sexual experience instead of it coming naturally, you relate all and any future sexual experiences to that moment in time."

"Am I ever going to get that close to someone?" Shawn questioned, unsure of the answer.

"In time, but you have to learn to disassociate the awful experience from the good. I don't think Mackenzie meant any harm. Her body was reacting to your body," Jordan explained.

"I know, but I feel awful for lashing out at Mack," Shawn mentioned.

"I understand, but if I know my niece, she'll understand. Would you like me to send her into the room?" Jordan asked.

Shawn nodded as Jordan got up and opened the door. My parents and I looked at Jordan concerned, and he said, "Go in Mackenzie. It's okay."

I walked into the room as Dad looked at Jordan. "Is Shawn okay?" Dad asked with concern.

"Yeah, Shawn became triggered. I'll add another day to his sessions in the week. We have much damage to repair. Now he's calm. Call me if it happens again," Jordan reminded Dad as he left.

Mom and Dad nodded and went back downstairs.

I sat next to Shawn, not saying anything. Then I heard him sigh.

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