Bring it on, little man

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After pulling up to the house, we got out of the car. Zane looked at me. "You know it'll piss them off," Zane reminded me.

"Yeah, but what else is new? When aren't they pissed?" I asked unfazed.

"If I die, I want an enormous party after my funeral," Zane told me.

"You're not dying. Stop being so overdramatic," I said to Zane, rolling my eyes.

"You've never seen Leo pissed," he mumbled as he followed me into the house. I swear girls have nothing on guys with dramatics.

After much screaming, yelling and hearing things crashing into the wall, I looked at Nik and Austin. "And you thought I had anger issues? I've got nothing on Leo." They both look at me along with my parents. "What?"

Leo opened the door, and we all stood straight in the hallway. It wasn't like we were listening at the door. Okay, we were. He had a puzzled look on his face.

"Is everything okay?" Nik asked.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask little miss let me drag my brother into one of her schemes?" Leo asked, irritated. That was a different side to Leo I never saw, and I don't think I want to again.

"In my defense, Zane was the only one I knew that wouldn't go half-cocked on me," I said defensively.

"Unbelievable," Leo said incredulously. He walked past us and downstairs. Zane came out of the room, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"He hit you!" I exclaimed.

"Eh, that was a love tap. I've had worse from Leo growing up," Zane shrugged as he answered me.

I looked at Nik. "If Leo ever lays a hand on you, I'll beat him."

Nik looked at me. "Leo would never hit me."

"I'm saying if he does," I told Nik.

Nik rolled his eyes. "Trust me; he would never hit me. He loves me way too much, plus he knows I would knock his ass out."

I shook my head as we all went downstairs only to have a few angry faces greet us. Okay, a lot of angry faces in the form of my cousins, aunts, and uncles.

"Mackenzie, what were you thinking?" Ryan asked me furiously. I thought Dad was scary when he was mad; Ryan is far worse.

"I needed answers because stuff wasn't adding up," I said a matter of fact.

He was fuming as Alex tried to calm him down, then she said, "You wanted our help, and we gave it to you, but that didn't mean that it allowed you social visits with Melvin."

"It wasn't a social visit," I said to all of them.

"Then, what was it? The fact you couldn't even tell me that you were off to see your ex for the hell of it," Shawn said with hurt in his eyes.

"No, it was not a social visit. I wanted answers," I said to Shawn.

"Whatever. I'm glad you got your answers," Shawn said, storming off.

"Shawn!" I yelled.

The door slammed behind him.

"RJ goes after Shawn while we deal with her," Ryan said to RJ. He nodded and took off after Shawn.

Great, I get answers, and it bites me in the ass. Therefore, I didn't want them to know. For the next thirty minutes, I got a lecture after lecture, trying to explain myself only for it to fall on deaf ears. I finally gave up and sat there with my arms folded while each one of them took a shot at me.

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