Tick, tick, knock, knock: A Saintwood Halloween

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After telling our fathers and my brothers, with Shawn's permission, along with Shawn, we informed the others. It pissed RJ and the double troubles off to all high heaven. If it's one thing you never do is piss off the boys, and that means going after someone weaker than you. They raised us to treat people with respect, but they had to earn it, we never gave it.

Shawn's sessions with Jordan went well, and Jordan even brought in his parents so they could know what was happening. His mom cried, and his dad was angry about it. They didn't take it very well. It came down to his dad, kicking him out of the house because he wouldn't accept his son is not acting a man and allowing this to happen. Yeah, adverse reaction to have. So, what is a girl to do for a boy she likes? She asks her parents for help.

"Mackenzie, this is asking a lot," Dad said.

"Dad, Shawn has no place to go, and he doesn't know I'm even asking you both," I confessed.

"Think about it, Dad, if it was one of us, wouldn't you want someone to take us in?" Austin asked.

"Even Leo and his brothers took me in when you sent me away from this past summer," Nik added.

"You were to stay with Kate but came home with a boyfriend instead, so don't even go there," Dad reminded Nik.

"Mackenzie, we would love to help Shawn, but what if his parents try to say we coerced him, so he could be closer to you? Think about it, honey," Mom reasoned.

"I get what you both are saying, but I also know I wasn't there for Shawn when it happened because of everything going on with Nik, no offense Nik," I said, looking at Nik.

"Eh, none took," Nik said, shrugging.

"Mom, he was my best friend, and I let him down. All Shawn wanted was to have people to care about him, but if this is too much, then I won't even mention it to him," I said. I knew no matter what, they wouldn't budge on this one.

As we sat there quietly, with my parents mulling over what I had asked, Ryan and Jordan came in through the front door.

"Frazier, you idiot, that's not what I had in mind for Halloween," Jordan yelled as they both walked in to see us sitting at the table.

"That can't be good," Ryan said.

"Mmm," Jordan nodded in agreement.

"What's with the little powwow?" Ryan asked.

Dad looked at us then at Ryan, then said, "Oh, our loving kids asked us to take in a stray."

"Stray?" Jordan asked with a look.

"You know, the kid tells his parents what happened to him, Dad gets angry. Dad kicks the kid out because the kid wasn't a man, now the kid is a stray. A stray," Dad exclaimed with his hands out.

Ryan and Jordan looked at each other, and Ryan said, "Well if you won't do it, I'm pretty sure Alex won't have an issue with Shawn staying with us. I mean, we already collected two strays with Drew and Scarlett."

Dad gave Ryan and Frazier a look. "It's not that we don't want to, but what if his parents claim Shawn did this to have time to be closer to Mackenzie?"

Jordan rolled his eyes. "Frazier, you're an idiot. First, this happened last year when they weren't even talking or together. Second, I even brought them into a session with him. Do you know how his dad made him feel? He made him feel like he asked for this. Shawn's a victim. Think about it."

Dad looked at Mom, and she looked at him and said, "He's got the point." Dad gave her a look as she continued, "Dylan, we need to consider the fact that our children are coming to us, not because they are in trouble, which they never do but because someone else is. Shawn is not getting support at home, only blame, and when Nik became troubled, we did everything we could to help him. Shawn needs our help."

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