Pranks, chaos, and craziness

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Do you know how usually when you decide a senior prank, you make an excellent one? Well, we took it one step further. Dad did the great pie prank his senior year, and everyone helped the older siblings with their senior year prank, but we did things our way.

We had to fib a bit to our parents that we were going to the movies, although we had other things in mind. First, we needed proof of our alibi, so we purchased movie tickets. You know a movie over two hours long that you're glad you don't have to watch.

The next was breaking into the school to rig everything. Liam and JJ were in charge of the prank and how to execute it. Austin, Nik, and I were to rig it. While RJ, Shawn, and Leo were to bring the items into the school. Let's say this prank was going to be messy.

Liam and JJ pointed out where everything should go and when we should release it. RJ, Leo, and Shawn handed us stuff as we were on the ladder. Once we had everything situated, we rigged it all on a timer to go off at the same time.

Once we had the main corridor rigged up, we moved to the cafeteria and gym. After we finished, we quickly got the hell out of there. We had to ditch the evidence and get back to the movie theater.

"Should I worried that you know how to rig explosives?" Leo asked Nik.

"Explosives, chaos, trouble. Choose your poison," Nik grinned.

Leo stopped and stared at Nik. "What?" Leo asked.

We all looked at Leo, as Austin said, "We are the hellions for a reason."

Leo's face contorted with shock as I added, "Don't worry, we save that for the ones we don't like." I winked at him, and his face was priceless as we laughed.

"Oh, I get it, you're all messing with me, aren't you?" Leo asked.

"Leo, they're the hellions because they cause chaos. The double troubles, which are Liam and JJ, do the pranks, hence the name of the double troubles, and I try to keep their ass out of jail," RJ explained.

"And when the six of us are together and when it's called for, we unleash hell on earth," Liam added.

"It's a simple solution to an annoying problem," JJ said.

"Well, okay then," Leo said as he caught up with us.

After the movie finished, we went home, but not before we pulled what the movie was online. Thank god for people writing a synopsis, or it cooked our bacon. Once home, our parents grilled us about the movie and had an iron-clad alibi and even producing the tickets. Now it was time to see the finished product tomorrow at school.

We all arrived at school like usual and waited until everyone arrived as soon as the first bell rung, which set off the first explosion of honey and feathers, covering everyone and everything. Then chaos ensued, causing people to lose their minds. Within minutes, we heard more screaming as people ran from the gym covered in whip cream and glitter. Finally, the last explosion happened. Chocolate syrup and confetti fell over the kids in the cafeteria for breakfast.

Mass chaos erupted around us with Principal Cassen coming out of the office, trying to get a handle on things. Once he could get some kind of order, the last explosion triggered and a banner with CONGRATS SENIORS ON THE ULTIMATE SENIOR PRANK! written on it, dropped along with balloons.

Everyone looked around in shock; then, the senior class erupted into cheers. We all grinned as we pulled off the ultimate prank with no one the wiser. Cassen didn't have a choice but to let all of us go home to get cleaned up and have a cleaning crew come in to clean up the mess.

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