A hunting we'll go

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With our senior prank behind us, we had other things to worry about now. We had to find Gage and end this once and for all. He would be more frightening if it weren't so comical to watch him try to go after us. Every time he did, RJ beat his ass. I still had to wonder how Gage could take on Mike with Mike more significant than him and could easily take him.

Then I thought about what Melvin said, and some of it made little sense unless Melvin fed a line of shit, which I'm thinking was the case, and Melvin was a patsy. Even if Gage was in the closet, why go to the lengths that he supposedly did only to get your ass kicked repeatedly. The whole situation made little sense to me.

I needed to see Melvin, so I roped the only person into my little plan that wouldn't put up resistance. I enlisted Leo's brother to help me. You're probably wondering why I didn't ask Leo, well he would tell my brother then it would get messy.

I snuck out of the house and met up with Leo's brother Zane. I bet you thought it was Angelo, didn't you? Nah, I didn't need Shawn to flip out on me since Angelo has a soft spot for me. Plus, I didn't see Zane as anything other than as a brother. We went to where they held Melvin.

"So, explain to me again why I have to help you?" Zane asked.

"Well, because I can't ask Leo, he would tell Nik and Nik would tell the others which would turn into world war three in my house. And I couldn't ask your other brothers because I'm pretty sure they would tell Leo. Angelo has a soft spot for me, which would turn Shawn into a jealous loon," I reasoned.

"Then why not ask Shawn?" Zane questioned.

"Because Shawn would pin me to my bed," I said with a sigh while rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, I need not know the kinky details," he said.

"I can't help if his intimacy switch got flipped," I shrugged.

"It'll be a lengthy car ride," he sighed.

We talked awhile, and he would try to change the subject every time I mentioned anything about Shawn. It's not because he liked me, but he didn't want to hear all the details. Although he said, Xavier would have been more than happy to hear the juicy gossip since he was a gossip queen.

We finally arrived at the place, and it relieved Zane. He didn't want his ears to bleed any more than they were. He's such a drama queen.

We checked in at the front desk, and they led us to an open room with tables. We both took a seat and waited until they brought out Melvin. He took a seat. "Mack? What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you about Gage," I answered.

"Okay, but who is this? Because I know this isn't Shawn," Melvin said, pointing at Zane.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious. That's Zane, Leo's brother. Now can we focus?" I asked, rolling my eyes. Melvin gave me a look as I continued, "Look, I'm not here for a social call. I need answers."

"Okay. What do you want to know?" Melvin asked me.

He placed his hands on the table and folded them as he leaned forward a bit.

"The whole scenario about Gage makes little sense, and that's because if he took our Mike like you claim he did, then how the hell does he keep getting his ass kicked?" I questioned, looking at Melvin, and he looked at both of us. Then it clicked. "Start talking, Melvin, and I want the truth," I demanded.

Melvin was quiet for a few minutes then said, "Fine, Gage assaulted Shawn in the locker room, and Mike found him. But Gage didn't kill Mike. You were right."

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