Strike three and you're out

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After my disaster visit with Shawn yesterday, I realized strike three, and I was out. That proved with guys; I was the worst at picking or not picking them. I stay single for the rest of my life. Maybe I should join a convent? That way, perhaps if I'm a nun, I get none. Eh, being single can't be that bad, can it?

I stuck to the boys mostly, except it wrapped them up with girls except for Nik, who had his head in his phone texting, Leo. Sigh. Even my brother has better luck with guys than I do. That left me the odd man out or woman. I couldn't blame them; they can't devote their entire life to keeping me company, that's weird. Maybe I'll start collecting cats and become a cat lady.

I walked home alone. I needed to think of the names of my fifty cats I would soon have one day. As I walked, I mulled over names like Fluffy, Snowball, Killer. Maybe even Spike. Nah, that's a dog's name. Who knew there could be so many possibilities to name a cat?

As I was coming on my fortieth name for a cat, someone pulled up on a motorbike, wearing a helmet. I stopped and looked at the person as they said, "Get on."

"Don't you think this whole bad boy on a motorbike is a bit cliche?" I asked, giving Shawn a look.

Shawn sighed, "Get on the damn bike."

"Let me think for a moment. Nah," I answered. I started walking as Shawn slowly crept up to me.

"Get on the bike, Mackenzie!" Shawn demanded.

"No, thanks. My dad said never to take a ride from strangers," I said as I kept walking.

"Then you leave me no choice," Shawn said as he drove off.

I shook my head. Finally, now I can get back to naming my cats. Shawn stopped up ahead a bit and rushed towards me. Before I ran, Shawn grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder. Great, not only will I not get my fifty cats, but now I die.

Shawn walked back to the bike, set me down on it, put a helmet on my head, then got on it. He started the bike, and I wrapped my arms around his waist as he sped off with me on the back.

As we drove, I said, "You passed my street. My house is back that way."

"I'm not taking you home," Shawn told me.

"Well, thanks for taking me to my impending doom. Now I never get my cats," I huffed.

"Will you shut up?" Shawn asked with irritation.

"How about no?" I retorted.

"Why not?" Shawn questioned.

"Because you didn't say please," I corrected Shawn. Man, his manners needed work.

"Fine, please shut up," Shawn said.

"Fine," I replied.

We drove in silence until he pulled into a clearing. We stopped at the creek on the outskirts of town near the woods. Yep, I'll surely die today. Mom and Dad, I love you and make sure Austin doesn't touch my prize collection of comic books. He's always itching to get his hands on it.

Shawn turned off the bike and got off. Then he took my helmet off and finally his. I stared at him blankly.

"You can get off now," Shawn said in an indistinct husky voice.

I exhaled, looking at Shawn as I climbed off the back of the bike. Okay, this is where he waits, then jumps back on the bike and leaves me stranded. No, thank you. I already dealt with his rejection once. A second time would be too much. I looked at Shawn as he looked at me, then I said, "Thanks for the ride. I'll be going now."

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