Mr. Mysterious and all that jazz

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After they released me from the hospital, I returned to school a few days later. Everyone hovered, but I assured them that I was okay. Although I wanted to do some bodily harm to those two imbeciles. Seriously, what kind of man puts his hands on a woman? Well, a proper man doesn't, that's for sure. Maybe it was the way they raised me. I don't know.

After being joined at the hip with the boys most of the day, I needed some breathing room. Not that I didn't love my family, I did, but I felt smothered with how protective they are.

I decided during my free period to go outside to sit on the bleachers alone. I needed air; staying inside was making me way too claustrophobic. I took a seat on one bench and leaned back. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I let the warm sunshine hit my face, and it felt fantastic on my bruises.

I heard the clang of the bleachers and opened one eye to see someone climb up. The person sat a few rows back from me.

"Oh, it's you," I said, turning and closing both my eyes again. I sat there soaking up the sunshine.

The guy leaned back and looked ahead, not saying a word. I got used to him not saying much, and the quietness was a pleasant distraction from the chaos of my so-called life. Then the alarm on my phone went off, and I grabbed my bag, standing up. "Free period is over. I got to get back to class. See you around sometime."

I walked past the guy, and he got up, following me, but kept his distance from me.

After my last class, I was getting some stuff out of my locker. The boys were talking about boy stuff. I saw the guy walk by and nod at me. I nodded back as he walked away.

They stopped and looked at me, and Austin said, "So now we're nodding to some strange guy?"

"You mean the special language those two developed," Liam mentioned.

"Ooh," Nik and JJ said together as RJ chuckled.

I closed my locker and gave them a look. "There is no special language between him and me, you dolts. Just mutual respect."

"What respect can you two have for each other? Last time I checked, you two have never had a conversation," Austin retorted.

"You don't always have to speak to understand someone. All I know is he saved my life, and for that, he has my respect," I said, walking away.

"Sometimes, it's better to let things be, then to carry on," RJ told Austin as he walked after me.

Austin shook his head as he and the rest of them followed.

Since my family watched me like a hawk, I snuck out of my window. Thank God I had the room closest to the tree, or this would have been difficult. I climbed down the tree with Nik meeting me - fantastic.

"Where do you think you're going, missy?" Nik asked me casually.

I sighed, "For a walk."

"Yeah, I don't think so. The last time you went for a walk, you spent almost a week in the hospital," Nik reminded me.

"Oh, come on, Nik. I feel like a freaking prisoner. Everywhere I go, I have to have a babysitter. No offense, but don't you all think I'm a little old to babysit?" I questioned with a look.

"Mack, we want nothing to happen to you. Is that so bad, we worry about you?" Nik asked with concern.

"No, but you owe me," I said, narrowing my eyebrows and looking at him. "I kept your secret this past summer. Now you can keep mine."

Nik gave me a look. "That's a dirty trick."

"Yeah, and your point?" I queried.

He sighed, "Fine, but if you aren't back in a few hours, I'll drag you back here myself."

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