July 4 explosions or something like that

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Today was the 4th. That meant a family gathering of sorts with chaos in the mix, along with fireworks and festivities. The only thing missing was Nik. I miss him so much as did Austin, but now, he was better off where he was. I hope things are better with him.


"Are you trying to kill me?" I asked Leo incredulously, letting the weight drop to the ground with a loud clang.

"No, but you know what they say?" Leo asked with a look.

"That you like to torture people," I said, wiping the sweat from my face with a towel.

"No, not that," he said, rolling his eyes at me. "No pain, no gain." He let a cheesy grin form on his lips.

Leo's a trip. As we joked around and laughed, we heard someone say something as they walked up to us. "Kind of picking them young, aren't you, Leo?"

We both turned to see Kyle, Leo's ex walk up to us.

"Shouldn't you be picking out your next victim," Leo asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Don't tell me you're still butthurt over our breakup," Kyle smirked.

Leo walked up to him, looking him square in the face. "Nah, I'm over it, and you. Go crawl back under the rock you slid out from, Kyle."

They faced off in the gym, and I walked over to look at Kyle.

"What are you looking at, pansy?" He filled his tone with disdain.

"I'm wondering what Leo ever saw in you. From the looks of it, he finally upgraded," I said, letting a smile form on my lips.

That seemed to piss Kyle off as he blustered, "I'll kick your ass so far that you need a bus to get back!"

"Go ahead. A Frazier isn't afraid of anything," I warned.

With those words, Kyle's face contorted in fear. "Did you say, Frazier?"

"Did I stutter?" I questioned.

"No," Kyle answered.

"Good, now if you excuse us, we have places to be and people to do," I said, causing Leo to snicker. Kyle turned and stormed off.

"I can't believe you dated that idiot," I mentioned to Leo.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Leo sighed. "I forgot his hotness covered up his stupidity. He isn't the brightest bulb in the pack." I laughed at that as we grabbed our stuff and went back to the house.

Standing under the hot cascading water felt good on my sore muscles. Leo had been working me hard at the gym, but I needed it. I needed to let out the aggression I held since Mike's death. The anger and animosity I felt towards the person who did it. The only problem is I was lashing out at everyone except at the person who did it.

Death is a tricky thing. It can strengthen you to keep on living for the person who left you, or it can destroy you and tear you apart with the help of Leo and his brothers. I learned how to deal with loss, pain, and anger. The senseless violence an innocent person endured. They were helping me make sense of it all, even when I still couldn't understand myself.

The wonderful thing is Leo and his brothers knew how Mike died, so I didn't need to explain it to them, which was better. I didn't have to cover it up either as my family did with his parents. I still felt guilty, knowing they lied to them about how he died, but I also understood why they did. A drunk driver, you have a clear-cut picture. With a sadistic killer, you don't. It was all too much to think about it.

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