"But-" I began protesting but was cut off.

"No buts, M. You can't and you won't wear them." She said firmly cutting me off. " Besides, I know you don't actually need them."

I pouted and my pout quickly transformed into a frown when Renee spoke again. "Now what shall we do with you, sweetums?"

What did she mean?

I had no idea.


"Holy moly, I left my dress outside." I groaned.

As soon as Renee had done my makeup, she walked outside the dressing room to let me change and when I had stripped out of all of my clothes except for the underwear, I remembered that I had left my dress outside, on the bed.

God, I was so stupid.

I quickly grabbed a towel off the towel rack and draped it around my body. The towel was way too short but at least it covered up a little; besides I was too shy to walk into my room in nothing but underwear even if the only person there was my best friend.

I hurriedly slipped on my black pumps and took a long, deep breath before walking out the vanity. I walked slowly and cautiously, my gait wobbly. The moment I saw Renee from behind the curtain as she did her hair with her back to me, I cursed myself for wearing the heels in a hurry. I could have sneaked off with my dress easily without being seen, had I been barefoot.

Cue a facepalm.

I was so not used to wearing heels this high, I thought remorsefully as I pushed the curtain aside to enter my room but not at all surprisingly, I lost my balance and tried to clutch at the curtain to slow down my momentum, but all I got was air.

I closed my eyes on instinct. I was so not prepared for this fall. Why in the world did I have to be so darn clumsy? I cringed at the thought of my body hitting the hard floor, in the most ungraceful way there was and mentally scolded myself for being so careless but instead of the cold, hard floor, I was embraced by a pair of strong arms that encircled my waist and the next thing I knew, I was being pulled up gently. I could feel a hand on my bare shoulder, warm and calloused. A bit hesitant but extremely gentle. I felt a shiver run through my body.

I knew whose hands they were, at once. There was only one pair of hands in this world which could make me feel this way.

"Easy does it," Dylan said, a mix of concern and amusement evident in his voice and I looked up to see him smirking.

"Nice towel." He winked suggestively and I suddenly realized I was wearing a towel and my eyes widened. Wriggling out of his arms, I made a dash towards the dressing room and hid behind the curtain.

I blushed as I saw his eyes shine with amusement as his lips curled into a knowing grin. He knew what his gaze did to me and he was determined to make the best out of the effect he had on me.

I watched as his mouth moved a little, a barely there movement, a tiny little quirk to the corner of his mouth as his eyes locked with mine, his eyes conveying exactly how I had looked to him, in his arms, barely covered and beautiful. His eyes told me exactly what he had wanted in that second and a spark went through my body. His gaze was intense, hot and scorching as I felt his voice; a low, sexy croon in my ear whispering to me the naughty things he would have done to me, given a chance. Telling me the way he would have held me so close in his arms so lovingly, touched me, cherished me so beautifully that........

"Ahem." I heard someone clear their throat and my gaze zeroed in on Renee who stood a little to the side, a sly grin plastered on her face as she looked at us with an 'Oh god, here we go again. What shall happen of these two? There certainly is no hope!' expression.

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