Day 14

338 26 24

^^^^ powerful ship up here.
sorry jaemin. #Noren4life


"This is the worst!"

"Shut up!"

"You shut up!"


"I am your senior!"

"Who clearly doesn't deserve respect,"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me loud and clear, witch."

"You...only one person can call me that and it's not you,"

The tall girl lunged forward and jumped onto the younger one, pulling onto his dear hair.

"It hurts, you witch!" He grunted and pushed her off with all his strength. She fell down but she didn't hit the ground as a thin layer of neon green light saved her.

The bystanders who watched the quarrel, could only stare at the so-called witch where she got onto her feet again by the help of the neon green light.

"This is driving me nuts!" The tall girl stomped her feet and kicked a pebble.

"Calm down," a boy uttered, sending her a look to be quiet.

"Can you? I mean, are you even calm? How long have you been here? Longer than me?"

"You. Are. So. Loud,"

"So what?!"

"Gosh, my head hurts." A girl with deep dimples mumbled as she rubbed her temples.

"Hey, witch, do you not know how to find a way out of here?"

"SHUT IT! You piece of littered trash,"

"I asked a question, you witch."

"And I said shut the bubblegum up!"

The others sighed at the sight of the two eldest arguing.

"I don't know how long I've been here but I am sure I've gone crazy." A girl with short bobbed hair muttered to herself.

"All of us are if we can't find a way out of this," a boy spoke and clicked his tongue.

"Why should you? I am still here, don't you want to be with me?"

All of them went silent as they looked down. When they heard the deadly voice, nobody dared to make a sound.

"No worries, they don't care about you guys at all."

The female voice kept on getting near and nearer.

"Only I do,"

"Save me, guys."


"Don't you think someone's staring?"

Koeun lifted her head from her journal-one that was given to the team leaders by the supervisor on the first day to keep track on the events. She put down her pen and glanced around to find out what Mark was talking about.

"Ah..." she sighed lowly, shifting her gaze to the journal once again.

"Why?" Mark asked, his eyes like an owl's.

"It's Mingyu sunbae,"

Mark cleared his throat while pretending to stretch to take a look at the elder. He spotted Mingyu leaning on a tree with his arms crossed-his gaze settled on the two of them. Mark was sure since they were the only people there. The others were busy eating snacks.

[discontinued] the 7th cabin | nct + sr16g + yeri Where stories live. Discover now