"Here." Nathaniel passes me his phone. "Picture of me and the boys." He bounces his eyebrows as he poses for the picture.

I roll my eyes and take a few shots of him posing like an idiot in front of monkeys hanging from the branches, my pictures with the tigers were so much cooler.

I carry on walking passing the goats and the gorillas, until I come across the ducks. I stop and stare at the mother duck walking with at least five baby ducks following behind her into the small pond. "They are just the cutest little things ever." I coo, wrapping my fingers around the gate.

Nathaniel chuckles. "That'll be you with our five kids following behind." Nathaniel jokes, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"You want kids?" I ask quietly, keeping my gaze on the ducks.

Nathaniel doesn't reply for a second, to the point I have to look up at him for an answer. "Of course I do, one day."

I nod sternly. Because that day wasn't today, that one day meant into another at least seven years. Feeling bummed out by hearing Nathaniel's answer I start to want to leave the zoo, looking at anything that made smile right now was making me feel sick.

"Nathan, let's take a break or something, I'm really tired." I say shaking my feet. My feet had started to become slightly swollen, it was only a matter of time for it to become extremely swollen, and these heels were not helping considering they were just about my size right now.

"Yeah sure, what do you want to do now?" He asks, putting his arm around my waist.

I furrow my brows in confusion. "You asked me out on a date, and now you're asking me, what do I want to do?" I say cocking my head to an angle with a sarcastic laugh.

"Only because your feet in hurting, so our zoo time has been cut short and our reservation isn't for another few hours." He shrugs. "We'll go to the park, it's a beautiful sunny day, you'll love it." He says with a warm smile, rubbing my shoulders.

"Okay, call an uber then." I say tiredly.

"Uber? It's like a ten minute walk from here?" Nathaniel says in confusion, pointing towards the exist.

"Ten minutes too long, hunny." I shrug with a tight smile. I was not going to be walking around with a semi-swollen foot that was actually on the verge of tearing off my legs anytime soon.


It was almost eight thirty pm, and me and Nathaniel had taken another uber to the restaurant after we ended up going to the park I accidentally fell asleep for almost an hour, there went our date. But Nathaniel didn't try to wake me up because apparently, I've been looking tired recently. I've been tired of lying.

"Nana's?" I gasp, staring at the almost five-star restaurant. A smile grows on my face as I stare at the fancy restaurant that I could never have imagined coming to. I grab Nathaniel's hand and pull him into a tight hug.

"Something fancy for the lady." He says releasing from me and bowing to me with a wide grin as he takes my hand and walks me into the restaurant. "Thought you deserved a treat. For being the best wife ever." Nathaniel beams at me.

I smile tightly in response. Because I wasn't the best wife ever, I was a lying wife. Shaking my head I follow him through to the restaurant praying I don't have to leave because I need to vomit.


We ended up coming home pretty earlier because I wasn't feeling well, I actually wanted to vomit and I did, thankfully the restroom in Nana's was clean and empty. Nathaniel not being aware of the fact I vomited was confused as to why I didn't want to continue eating but wanted to go home. Morning class had just ended and I went to meet Cassie as it had been a while since I saw her last.

"I want a smoothie." I pout, crossing the road to get to the main street where all the stores were. Smoothies were the only thing that didn't make me feel sick at this moment, something cold and nice.

"I want a coffee, it's only the afternoon and honestly I have no energy what so over." Cassie sighs. "I have a late class, why couldn't they all be during the day, that would have made my life so much easier." She rolls her eyes.

I laugh. "Yeah morning and afternoon classes are way better than evening classes." I say, as I scrolling through my instagram feed, everyone looked like they were having so much fun in freshers week, something we couldn't participate in.

"Hey, Asi where did you say Nathaniel was??"

"Libary or  class, I don't know, he said he's got a project to prepare for." I murmur, my eyes still glued to my phone. I stop walking when I feel Cassie's hand clasp around my wrist and pull me to a stop.

"What?" I say stiffly, as I stare at her grip on my arm.

"Then what's he doing there?" She asks in a confused tone, pointing through a glass window of a cafe.

"What?" I say furrowing my eyebrows. "What are you even looking at?" I say squinting through the window. I carry on squinting until I realise Cassie wasn't seeing things, Nathaniel was actually there.

"What the hell's he doing there?" I say in a confused tone.

"More like, who the hell is he with?" Cassie says in a blunt tone, she grabs onto the Cafe door ready to storm in. I leap in front of her, stopping her from entering.

"Stop, what are you doing?" I ask, feeling nervous and not really understanding why I just stopped her from going in. "That's that bitch, Sam." I hiss clenching my jaws.

She shakes her head like I'm crazy for not letting her barge in there and making a scene. "Uh, going to ask him what the hell is he doing? Why is he sitting with Sam - out of everyone, laughing like that? When he's supposed to be preparing for his project." Cassie hisses, quoting the word project.

I move from Cassie and turn back to the window, she was right. What the hell was he doing? Anger unravels inside me, quickly being overtaken by the feeling of sadness. Out of everyone why would he be with her?

I shake my head, clenching my jaws. A spike of jealousy hits my throat, I don't know what I was being jealous over, clearly, there was nothing going on there, because Nathaniel would never do anything like that. But it was the first time in our marriage he lied to me about his whereabouts.

"Are you crying?" Cassie asks awkwardly, pulling me towards her. I break out of my zone and realise my cheeks were damp with tears, with the back of my hands I wipe my tears from my face.

"Why are you crying?" She shakes me, with laughter in her tone as if me crying was something to laugh about.

"I don't know." I say through gritted teeth, with more tears overflowing my eyes, uncontrollably this time.

"That's it, we're going in and talking to him." Cassie says with anger projecting from her tone, she grabs my hand harshly.

"No!" I almost yell. "He's going to think I'm some jealous wife, it's going to be weird confronting him." I moan, pressing my back against the window.

"And what, crying like a crazy person in the streets isn't werid?" Cassie says humorously in a low tone, as she looks around for bystanders watching.

I stare at her silently for a long second, to the point her smile fades and her expression becomes worried. "If you haven't already noticed, I'm pregnant!" I almost shriek. "I do stupid things for no reason okay." I whimper, crouching down onto the floor.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." Cassie says with an awkward smile. She crouches down beside me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Are you seriously not going to talk to him about this?" Cassie asks. "If it made you upset then you should at least ask him why did he say he was somewhere else when he was here with her? Who knows, it could be nothing." Cassie says with a tight smile, dragging me up.

I clench my jaws and gawk at Nathaniel through the window, all this time we'd been standing there, he hasn't even noticed us, he was too busy laughing about only God knows what's so funny.

"I don't even want my damn smoothie anymore." I murmur, kicking a rock that was in front of me like a child. I roll my eyes, and grab Cassie's hand and keep on walking straight.

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