Chapter One

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Life is an extremely fragile thing, it's like wind through your fingertips. So, how do you hold onto something that's here one second, and gone the next?


I freeze, holding my breath, clutching the book in my hands so hard my fingers scream out in protest. I had rounded the corner and there they were, tangled up in each other, pressed against the book shelf and suddenly time seemed to stop and everything was happening in slow motion. He was kissing her neck, his hands gripping her waist, his fingers digging into her skin. Her hands were knotted in his hair, her face pointed at the ceiling. He had long, curly brown hair and lean arms, the soft light casting a shadow on the muscles there. He was wearing a black t shirt and black pants, my eyes wandering over his long legs. I want to turn around and leave, to look away. I mean, I'm staring at them like an idiot, this was borderline perv, but I couldn't will myself to move. What was the matter with me? I've seen people kiss before, this isn't anything new.

And then, all at once, time starts back up again and I barely have time to blink when his head turns in my direction, his eyes meeting mine, the deep green color shining in the semi darkness. I let out a gasp and turn on my heel, running back through the book shelves to the table where my laptop is sitting. I slam it shut and shove it into my bag with my other books, weaving my way through the tables to the exit. I push the doors open and stumble into the warm summer evening, stopping to catch my breath. I couldn't...did that...? My mouth falls open and I start to laugh, bending over as my sides begin to ache. I look back over my shoulder at the library doors, shaking my head, marveling at the hilarity of it all, and start to make my way back across campus to the dorms. I look up at the sky, watching the blue melt into a mixture of pinks and oranges. I could faintly feel his eyes on mine, remembering the way his fingers dug into her skin, and wondering what his hands might feel like on...what am I thinking? I had no idea who he was and I'll probably never see him again, I'm acting like a 13 year old. I can see my building in the distance and I quicken my pace, knowing I need to get on the road soon. I was spending the summer holiday at home and I had a three hour drive ahead of me and it was already, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, 8:15.

I was about 15 feet from the dorms when I hear a car horn behind me in the distance. I turn to see a van filled with boys yelling out the window to a figure running in the distance. As the figure gets closer I see that it's him. The him from the library. He was wearing the same black t shirt and black pants. It had to be him, he had the same lean body shape, the same thick, curly hair. I watch him as he reaches the van and jumps in, the door slamming shut behind him. I stay rooted to my spot, yet again, until the head lights disappear into the darkness. I blink a few times and tear my eyes away. I don't understand what's come over me. He's just a guy. Most likely a guy who can't keep it in his pants. I let out a frustrated groan and walk inside, heading up the two flights of stairs to my floor. The only sounds I hear are a few radios playing music as the last few stragglers pack up there stuff and head out, me included, I only stayed behind to get some extra studying done before my final paper was due tomorrow. I reach my door and unlock it, stepping inside to an empty room, except for my duffel bag sitting on the bed. I readjust my bag on one shoulder and throw my duffel over the other. I was good to go, all I had to do was leave my key on the desk and shut the door behind me. I set the key next to Darcie's, my roommate, and take one last glance around the room, catching my reflection in the mirror on the back of the door. My shoulder length brown hair was a mess and I had mascara under my eyes, the result of a two day study session in the library, which, was now, and forever, tainted. I had a faded blue t shirt on and cut off shorts, showing off my lean white legs, and a pair of gray high tops I'd had since high school. I frowned at my reflection, realizing that this is what mystery guy saw. I cursed myself one last time and looked away, walking out the door, listening as it clicked shut behind me, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me, dreading the long drive home.


It had started to rain about an hour ago and showed no signs of stopping. The windshield wipers were going at full swing and the sound of the rain hitting the car was almost hypnotic. A song was playing softly in the background and I tried to focus on the words, but my looming exhaustion was occupying all of my attention at the moment. I was leaning all the way forward, peering out at the pavement, relying entirely on the low beam of my headlights to guide me. My brother was constantly hounding me to get a new car, but how could I give up my faded red 1960 Volkswagen beetle? This thing had been through all of high school and the first 2 years of college with me, and I hadn't died yet, so there was no way I was trading it in.

I yawned slowly, struggling to lift my eyelids open and focus on the road. I was 5 minutes from my parents' house, I could make it, if I could just stop yawning. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and watched as my knuckles turned white. All I could think about was crawling into my bed, curling up in the warm, inviting white comforter and drifting off for the next couple days and, on top of my bed fantasies, my head was starting to ache. I yawned again as I turned onto my street, unable to fight off the exhaustion any longer. I closed my eyes and felt myself start to slip away when I realized where I was. My head snapped up and I opened my eyes in time to see a dark figure standing in the middle of the street. I slammed my foot on the brake and swerved a second too late. I heard the body make contact with my car and watched as it slammed into the windshield, disappearing over the top. Glass flew into my eyes, stinging my skin. I held onto the steering wheel as the car drifted on the wet road and crashed into a tree, sending me forward, my head slamming into the steering wheel. After that everything got quiet, and all I wanted was to fall asleep, to rest my eyes and escape the dull ache in my head. I could just make out the sound of the wipers swishing back and forth as the darkness wrapped around me, swallowing me whole.

(A/N: I'm new to this whole fan fiction thing so go easy on me, alright? If you happen to read this and actually like it, then comment and tell the world about it! I can't wait to keep unfolding the story, there are a lot of twists and turns ahead. I'll be updating (well , I'll try to) twice a week!! Really excited to be writing this and I really hope you like it!)

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