alternative ending

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.Alternative Ending.

° Murder Song (5,4,3,2,1) : Aurora °


My heart began to race, Void's cold body making my own shiver.

"This was my game." Void said lowly, his mouth near my ear as he turned me around. "You think you can beat me at my game?"

One of his arms fell on my waist, the other around my shoulders.

"Goddess, I'm glad you survived." He whispered, "I hope my warriors didn't hurt you too much."

I wanted to reply, to tell him how much I despite him and how of a shitty demon he was. But I couldn't.

"Divine move." He mock, "Divine move. You think you have any moves at all?"

I struggled, my nails digging onto his jacket. I could hear noises coming from his chest, like people were inside screaming along with buzzing.

"You can kill the Oni. But me?" He kept raising his voice, his voice echoing off in my head. "Me? I'm a thousand years old. You can't kill me!"

"But we can change you." Martin spoke as the two stopped.

Void loosen up his grip a bit, "What?"

"You forgot about the scroll." Stiles answered.

In a cocky way, Martin straighten up besides Stiles. "The Shugendo scroll."

Void froze completely, the screams became louder. His grip tightening, it made me almost loose my breath.

"Change the host." Void whispered.

"You can't be a fox and a wolf." Now the one taunting was Stiles.

Thinking this could be my chance, the arm of Void was ripped from my body. His fingers trailed across my stomach, right where the crop top stopped.

I gasp, closing my eyes at the fire he left behind his fingertips. I gasped, making eye contact with the whiskey eyes I fell in love with, the fire igniting my whole body.

His was gone.

And so was I.


Scott ran behind Void and Kisa, this made my heart race and my grip on Lydia tighten.

Just as Scott grabbed a hold of Void's arm, we failed to think about the girl in his embrace.

"Kisa..." I say with my throat burning, she made eye contact with me, her eyes filling up with tears.

Tumbling forwards, I grabbed a hold of her face, bringing up to my own as she began to cry. By now, the others were aware, but froze in spot.

I held her body up, slowly putting her down as she whimper in pain, the katana shinning in blood.

"M-Mischief..." Kisa gasped, crying in pain as she grabbed a hold of my face. "Misch-chief, look at me."

"Kitten, you'll be fine." I say, looking up at Scott who had fear and anger in his face. "Scott?"

I turn back to Kisa, sitting next to her body. She was crying, hand gripping mine tightly. Looking back at Void, I scooted away a bit as he began to crumble.

"Don't loose your mind." Void grumble, his smirk making me angrier. "Goddess..."

Just as I punched him, he broke and then became dust. His fly flying away, but I no longer cared about that.

Looking back at Kisa, I positioned myself besides her, keeping one of my hands on her back and the other where the wound was.

"Kitten, don't move." I whisper, screwing my eyes close to clear my eyes. "Somebody is on its way, Kitten, please stay awake."

I looked at Scott, seeing his face crunching when he grabbed a hold of Kisa's hand, the black veins big.

"S-Scottie, no." She mumble, swallowing deeply and breathing deeply. "N-no, S-Scott."

"Kit, please don't do this." Scott muttered, wiping away her tears and wincing. "Mom and dad..."

"I love t-them." She cried, the tears free falling as she closed her eyes. Re-opening them, she looked at him with a sad smile. "I love you too..."

"Kisa, don't!" Scott groaned, his red eyes glowing. "Don't!"

I shook my head, gripping her and caressing her face as she smiled at me.

"This is b-beautiful." She muttered, her bloodied hand wiping my eyes. "I-it's a beautiful way t-to say goodbye."

"KISA!" Scott roared, his werewolf side completely coming out as the girl's body relaxed in my arms.

I felt my throat tightening, the pain that I was left from being separated didn't compared to the pain I felt right now.

My demon was gone.

And so was my love.


I tried to stop Kira, but I was too slow. Even for a werewolf, I was too slow.

"Kisa." Stiles gasped, noticing that my sister was caught with the demon.

My stomach began to tighten, the sight in front of me one I had never thought I'd seen.

Stiles fell, making sure to bring her down with him slowly, the katana buried deep in her. The tightness began to move up, first taking over my chest and then my throat.

"I am so sorry." Kira gasped, already in tears as she watched one of her friends being killed. "I-I didn't know!"

I focused more on Kisa, letting my tears fall as her chest heaved up and down, her and Stiles having a small moment.

Falling to the floor on my knees, I grabbed a hold of her hand, taking this chance to let out the tears that had piled on my eyes.

"S-Scottie, no." She choked out, eyes widen a bit at the relief of her pain being gone. "N-no, S-Scott."

"Kit, please don't do this." I muttered, wiping away tears. The thought of our mother coming to my mind, she will be crushed. "Mom and dad..."

"I love t-them." She cried, the tears continuing to fall. My heart felt heavy, her eyes making eye contact with me that felt forever. "I love you too..."

"Kisa, don't!" I say, trying to control my anger, but finding no anchor. "Don't!"

Moving away from them, I huff and puff, the visions from the previous night coming to mind. I couldn't let my sister die, I already let go of one love.

Listening to her heart beating slower and slower, I let go. My skin teared a bit, letting the hair out along with my claws and fangs.

It was completely silent, my sisters heartbeat slowing down, slowing, and slowing, and slowing until there wasn't any more beats.

"KISA!" I roared, looking down at the body in my best friend's arms and letting the beast come out.

The demon was gone.

And so was Kisa.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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