five : 3×13

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Bumping into the little clique of Scott, Kisa rolled her eyes but stayed put as she heard the conversation.

"Well, well, look who's no longer the crazy one." Lydia said as she lead them inside the school.

"We're not crazy." Allison defended herself.

"Hallucinating?" Lydia stopped, turning around and naming the things that were wrong with them. "Sleep paralysis? Yeah, you guys are fine."

"You did died and came back to life." Kisa stood besides Lydia, eyeing the other three. "It's gotta have some side effects, right?"

With the bell ringing, all those around them began to scramble around.

"We keep an eye on each other. Okay?" Stiles demanded, trying to close the circle. "And Lydia, stop enjoying this so much."

"What?" Lydia sass as she tilted her head.

Going off to their class, Kisa sat besides Stiles as they entered their history class. She seemed to not be the new one, and eventually zoomed out when Mr. Yukimura began to introduced himself.

Getting a crumbled piece of paper from Stiles, Kisa looked up from her doodling and gave him the stink eye.

"I'm sure, by now, you all know my daughter, Kira." Mr. Yukimura. "Or you might not since she's never actually mentioned anyone from school. Or brought a friend home for that matter."

Hearing a deep sigh and then a thud, everyone turned around to look at her. She finally looked up, her pretty eyes looking around as she smiled.

Cringing at the statement from the teacher, she gave Kira a small smile, kind of knowing how it felt.

Looking back down at the crumble paper, Kisa took it and uncrumble it, letting out an almost silent growl as she read the note:

Sit with us at lunch

Tuning back to class, she took her notes about the turn of the 20th century in American History and tried to block the several attempts from Stiles.

Exhaling deeply, she packed her stuff, and was dragged by her brother now. All three waiting by the lockers as the two idiots began to talk.

She took Stiles' lock from him, glaring as she opened the locker for him.

"Oh no," Kisa hissed at her brother, almost slapping him as she took a look at his face. "your eyes."

"What about them?" Scott asked as if it was something he didn't know.

"They're starting to glow." Stiles panic, looking around and making them look even more suspicious.

"You mean like right now?" Again with the stupid questions, Scott asked.

"Yes, right now!" Kisa groaned, grabbing a hold of Stiles to stop his awkward movements.

"Scott stop it." Stiles demanded, "Stop it!"

Sensing the panic from her brother, she freaked when she heard him panting.

"I can't." Scott said as he put a hand on his eyes, looking down and letting Stiles take him. "I can't control it."

"All right, just keep your head down." Stiles took action, grabbing him and pulling him against his chest. "Look down, come on. Keep your head down."

"Stiles!" Hissing at him, she waved at the students giving them weird looks and chasing after them.

Going into a classroom, she slammed the door shut and kept guard, looking out the small window in case someone wanted to come in.

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