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Kisa slumped on her seat, crossed armed as she sat with Stiles in the Jeep. He handed her brother and Kira all the keys, all three surprised on how prepared he was.

"It's smarter." Kisa answered Scott as she gave propts to Stiles.

Kisa laughed at the two who were whispering, remembering when Scott asked Stiles for the favor.

Coming back, Stiles began to tell them the plan, both nodding and listening carefully. At this point, it was no surprised at how much Stiles knew about this. This station was like his second home.

"Are we going to Danny's afterwards?" Kisa asked as she played with the bracelet, "I got invited and could get you guys in?"

"What? No." He said as he looked outside, phone in hand. "Plus, I was invited too!"

Kisa snickered, "Oh yeah? Where is it?"

Speechless, Stiles rolled his eyes and huffed as he continued to look out. His profile perfectly lit by the moonlight and shitty street lamp.

"How come everybody wants to join your pack?" In curiosity, Kisa asked, bitting down on her lip as Stiles took out his keys. "What is he? A mega werewolf?"

"Will you quit it?" Stiles asked, now playing with his keys. "Just sit there and be quiet."

Never in her life has Stiles talked to her like that. Taking her purse, Kisa unlocked the car and opened it, causing Stiles to look at her.

"Where are you going?" He asked, eyes a bit wide as he looked at her every move. "Kisa, come back. Sorry."

Kisa shut the door, leaning against it as she smiled at him. "I'll be at the party. Take me home when I'm drunk enough."

It was crazy. Not as crazy as the parties she has attended, but still crazy. She couldn't believe that it was an actual black light and that people followed the procedures.

Dancing to the beat, she had made a few friends. Bumped into Allison and Isaac, and even had some paint on her self.

"Stiles!" Kisa exclaimed as she saw him besides her brother, "Hi! Look at my paint!"

Stiles' eyes widen as he saw her in a crop top and some booty shorts, her outfit revealing her paint. She had a dragon snaking up on her right leg, her left on completely bare. On her stomach, she had a few symbols.

"Kisa." Scott gasped, also surprised to see her in such an outfit. "Stiles...?"

Kisa disappeared into the crowd, smirking as she looked over her shoulder to see Stiles going after her.

Moving her body to the beat, she danced like there was no tomorrow. The booze going up her head, controlling every move of her.

"Hey!" Stiles yelled at her, snapping her out. "Kitten?"

"Hey, Stiles." She giggled back, grabbing his hand. "Dance with me."

Stiles stood back, smiling big at her as he looked around. "I'm really drunk!"

Stiles shrugged, looking up at the DJ and smiling bigger as he let Kisa drag her into the heart of the dance floor.

Getting swallowed by the music, Kisa laughed as she saw Stiles' dance moves. Moving into him, he stumble back a little as he slowed his dancing.

"What- what are you doing?" He asked as she neared him more, trapping him between her body and the people. "Kisa, you're drunk. Kisa."

"No. I'm just tipsy." She said, moving in forwards and finally kissing him. Her lips soft against his as he finally moved them. "Kiss me like you mean it."

loose your mind | void!stilesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن