deleted twenty- two

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Its been a WHILE since I've visited this story. Ever since TW ended, I haven't really gone back to edit this OR read any other stories.

I had a Scott McCall book written-only ten chapters-and then realized that I have lost interest in everything overall.

I remember I was so in love with this book & I have it all written, its finished, BUT Wattpad was a bitch and deleted a BUNCH of chapters): Like this one. I tried to go back on the internet scripts & on the show to re-write everything, but it takes too much time & that is something I lack of right now.

I'm going to post all the book-even with the deleted chapters on it. I apologize for everything, but hope that you'll understand.

Much love & happiness!💕💕💕

loose your mind | void!stilesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat