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"Just be careful, sweetie." Melissa called through the phone, her voice exhausted as she talked to one of her twins. "You can't heal and Sheriff warned me and told me about the woods."

"What about the woods?" Kisa asked as she continued to walk, looking over her shoulder to see Stiles on the phone and Lydia walking behind him. "What's in the woods?"

"You don't know?" Melissa asked in disbelief, "There are like a million traps out there, Kisa! You could get hurt."

"What?" Kisa began to fast walk, now leaving a pretty big distance between her and the other two. "I'll be careful. I promise."

"I think it's best if you, if you just come back." Melissa tried to convince her again, "And bring your brother and his... clique or pack or whatever you are, along."

Kisa continued to walk, not bothering to look back. She was determine to find some action, it didn't matter that she was going to third wheel with Allison and Isaac, or hopefully her brother.

"I'll look for them." Kisa muttered lowly, continuing to walk and look around. "Okay?"

"You're alone?" Melissa exclaimed, gasping dramatically. "Why are you alone? In the woods with animal traps all over you?"

"Uh, no, I'm not alone." Trying to reassure her, she looked around and found herself alone. "I have, uh, I'm with Stiles. Yeah, him. Stilinski."

"I know who he is." Melissa sighed calmly, "My break is over."

"Yeah, I gotta go too." Kisa called back, bumping into Scott's motorbike.

Saying her goodbyes, she got a hold of the bike and hopped on it. It wiggle under her, but she eventually gained balance and began to ride it. Her feet outstretched just in case and the helmet of her brother on her head.

"Woah." She muttered to herself as she began to gain speed, "Holy..."

Dodging trees and getting scratched by branches, she soon heard the heavy footsteps of her brother.

"Scott!" She yelled, soon noticing that he was after the coyote. "Is that Malia? Malia! Scott! Scalia!"

She felt her hair move in the wind, her eyes were wide as she saw various trees flashed past her. Was she going super fast or was she suffering from hypertension and having hallucinations?

Gasping and slowing down a bit, she saw how Scott took out his claws, roaring as they both came to the car crash.

Stopping the bike and falling to the ground, she witness an amazing jumped. Scott's legs outstretched as he jumped to the other side and in front of the coyote, his awesome superhero stance making him look amazing.

Kisa got off the ground, walking forwards, but stopping at the end of the car, her heart beating as she saw Scott roar along with the coyote.

"This is so extra." Kisa said to herself as she saw Scott's red eyes and furry face looking intensely at the coyote. "Scott is so extra."

Halting to a stop, she gasped when she saw the naked girl in front of them. Scott rose up, taking a quick glance at Kisa and pulling her close.

She was beautiful.

"Scott, she's naked, look away."

"Here. Come with me." Kisa smiled at Malia as she usher her to the stairs. "Don't be afraid, I don't bite."

After transforming Malia back, Scott had given the poor girl his jacket and made her drive with Stiles to the McCall house.

"You can take a shower here, I'll leave you the only good pair of shorts I have, it's pretty hot outside, so..." In a rant, Kisa began explaining as she gave Malia everything. "Lucky for you, Victoria's Secret had a sale and I got new underwear and bras!"

This made Malia smile, for the first time since she was turned. Shoving her to the bathroom, Kisa showed her where the hot water was and placed the clothes in the toilet cover, making sure to tell her to call for anything.

"How is she?" Jumping a bit, Scott was at the entrance of Kisa's old room smiling. "Has she said anything to you?"

"No, not really." Kisa said honestly, sitting on the floor next to the bathroom floor. "I just hope she'll be fine. Normal if you can say."

"Sheriff wants to drop her off himself," Scott said, sitting besides her. "he wants to see if Mr. Tate accepts her."

"Accepts her?" Kisa scrunch her nose, shaking her head. "He's her father, why wouldn't he accept her?"

Scott turned to his sister, leaning on her as he slipped down and rested his head on her shoulder, "Sheriff thinks he's dangerous and doesn't want to leave Malia in his hands."

Kisa didn't said anything else, she just sat there with his head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad we helped him solve this case." Scott chuckled, "Dad is so confused right now."

"Would you ever tell him?" Kisa finally asked, playing with her bracelet. "That supernatural actually exists, that you're a werewolf."

Scott sat up, looking at her with wide eyes. "No. He doesn't need to know."

"Yes he does." Kisa fought back, crossing her arms. "Your life is at risk."

"So?" He coughed out, "As long as you and mom are safe, it doesn't matter wether I'm a wolf or not."

"I hope to see you around." Walking behind Malia, Kisa told her. "I could always need a friend."

Malia just nodded, no words coming from her. Standing back, Kisa saw how Stiles smiled at Malia, telling her to buckle up and cracking an awful joke.

Feeling a slight vibration, Kisa looked down, seeing her phone ringing.

"I gotta take this." She muttered to Scott, Allison, Isaac, and redhead. "I will be back."

Answering the phone, she smiled instantly when she heard his voice come through. "Hello, my love."

"Hi," Kisa greeted back, chewing her bottom lip. "What's up?"

"We haven't talked in a while." He said, "I miss you."

Biting down her lip, Kisa looked over her shoulder before lowly answering, "Miss you too."

"When are you coming back?" He continued, "We need you down here. Kate--"

Kisa rolled her eyes, turning around and walking to the house behind the rest. "Look, I'm busy right now. Call you back, yeah?"

With no response, she hung up and went back inside. Everyone sitting around getting ready for dinner.

"Hey, there's pizza." Allison smiled, patting a seat next to her, "We're about to eat."

Going around the table, she sat next to Scott and across from Allison.

"You okay?" Scott mumble under his breath, "Who was on the phone?"

"No one." Kisa smiled at him, trying not to make it too obvious that she was lying. "Old friend."

"You're lying."

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