eight : 3×14

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Zooming back into the conversation, Kisa focused now on a bigger problem, her father and his rational statements that he forces into everyone.

"Oh, hell." Sheriff greets with a strong grip on the blanket. "Mr. Tate."

Agent comes up closely, "Mr. Tate?"

"It's hers." Mr. Tate confirms, taking the blanket from Sheriff and holding it closely.

"All right," Agent said, then turned to his two children. "wait here."

"Dad." Scott tried to stop him.

"I'll talk to you two in a minute." Agent said as he began to walk. "I wouldn't mind hearing how your mom's okay with you two running around the woods this late."

Kisa groaned, kicking the ground and glaring at the two besides her. She turned to Mr. Tate, walking up to him and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for your loss." She muttered lowly, "I'm sure your family were wonderful people."

"They sure were." Mr. Tate said in a monotone, his frown turning a bit up into a smile. "Thank you for...for finding this."

Walking into class, Kisa managed to catch the awkward exchange of a conversation between Scott and Kira.

"I swear I printed it out." Kira said as she dug through her backpack.

"Kira." It was Mr. Yukimura, "You forgot all the research you did for that boy you like."

Smirking at this, Kisa winked at Scott as he stood shocked. Sitting in her seat, she tapped Stiles' shoulder, sending him a warming smile.

Looking down at her paper, she suddenly became bored, Mr. Yukimura's request for Stiles to read made Kisa alert once again.

"Uh- I, m-maybe someone else could." Stiles tried to say, looking up from his hands.

"I can do it." Raising her hand up in the air, Kisa volunteer, although she had no idea what passage to read.

"That's kind of you, Ms. McCall, but not right now." Mr. Yumimura denied her, turning back to Stiles. "Everyone participates in my class, Mr. Stilinski."

She felt bad to see Stiles in such an anxious position, it was like when they were nine all over again.

With the death. With Kisa leaving town. Everything.

Scott finally got up, asking his best friend if he was okay and walking slowly towards him. A panic attack. Second one this year.

Kisa got up, not even bothering to get her stuff. She looked at Mr. Yukimura, shaking her head before slowly walking towards the door.


Running out, she knew exactly where to go. Stopping in front of the big doors, she took a deep breath.

Walking in, she saw them counting together. Soon Stiles sliding to the floor and Scott taking a seat in front of him. Kisa dropped to her knees, grabbing a hold of Stiles hand and squeezing it as she tried to catch her breath.

"What the hell is happening to me?" Stiles asked, still breathing shallow.

"We'll figure it out." Kisa reassured him, "You're going to be okay."

"Am I? Are you?" Stiles asked back, directing his question at Scott. "Scott, you can't transform. Allison's being haunted by her dead aunt. And I'm straight up losing my mind." He paused, "We can't do this. We can't , we can't help Malia. We can't help anyone."

Of course Scott was quiet, he was always loss for words.

"You can try. Both of you." Kisa finally spoke, gaining the attention from both. "We can try."

Scott agreed to this, sitting more comfortably on the floor. "We can always try."

"And you were okay with it?" With a mouthful of fries, Kisa asked her mother. "Scott being a werewolf?"

"No. Of course not, Kit." Melissa chuckle, picking at her pasta as she sat across. "I'm more worry about him. I know he can heal, but there are all this 'What if's'."

"Must be hard, huh." Kisa sighed, taking a bite from her burger. "I feel like that every time dad leaves for a case."

"Your father leaves you alone?" She asked only picking up one fact.

"No!" In shocked, Kisa defended her father. "No, no. He never has. We have a neighbor--"

"Is it a girl?" Sensing some type of jealousy, Kisa smirked at her mom. "What? I don't want my baby girl living with a random women."

"No, mom." Shaking her head, she reassured her. "She's a really hot sixty something year old, trust me, real hottie!"

"Oh, Kisa!" Melissa laughed at her, pushing her shoulder and looking back down. "Thank you for coming, though. You have become so beautiful since the last time I saw you."

Nodding with flushed cheeks, Kisa continued to eat her fries silently, biting her lip as she saw a new message coming in to her phone.

Stiles Stilinski:

Meet us in the reserve

Stiles Stilinski:


"Mom, could I--" Reading the message, Kisa got up and turned to her mother. "Sorry."

"Go ahead." Melissa nodded, seeing the name of Stiles flashing. "Take care."

"I will, mom." Kisa replied back, gathering her bag and garbage. "Love you."

"Sorry, am I too late?" Kisa shut the car door, stumbling towards Stiles and Lydia as she tried to put her hair up. "What--?"

"It's the doll." Stiles said with a face of shock, realization hitting his face. "It's the doll?"

He began to pace, soon crunching down as he began to analizy the plan like he always did. "All right, but why would it go all the way to the school and then all the way back to the house just for a doll?"

Kisa groaned in frustration, putting her hair back down and playing with her bracelet, a nervous habit she had just noticed.

"It likes the doll." Lydia said as she also paced around, but stopped in place for a second. "Who cares?"

"Well, it likes the doll a lot." Kisa pointed out too, biting down her lip as she looked at the two.

"What kind of doll is it?" Lydia asked, playing with her fingers.

"I don't know. It's a doll, you know. It's got little arms, a big baby head and dead, soulless eyes." Stiles tried to explain, getting his phone. "Actually, I took a pic. Here."

Coming to the two girls, he placed himself in the middle and showed them the picture. Two girls. One doll.

"That's Malia?" Kisa asked while pointing at the oldest. This was the first time she has seen the famous 'Malia'. "That's the jacket and the scarf we found in the den, right?"

"Yep." Stiles agreed, continuing to examine the picture.

"Wait a minute," Kisa muttered, furrowing her eyes and looking closer at the picture. "Stiles, she's not holding the doll."

"That's Malia's younger sister." Lydia reason too, already in the track Kisa cleared up. "It's her doll."

"I know what she's doing." Stiles said, looking up and at the two girls.

Lydia looked scared, her face expression alarmed. "What?"

"We know where she's going." Kisa confirmed, beginning to walk into the woods. "Call Scott."

loose your mind | void!stilesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora