ten : 3×15

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Kisa was nowhere in sight, she usually came to school with Scott since she has been staying with them.

Spotting Scott with the twins in the distance, Stiles headed over. Already listening in at the conversation.

"Oh." He came in, squinting his eyes under the bright sun. "That's kind if a change of pace for you guys." Grabbing the straps of his backpack, he continued. "Usually, you're just hurting, maiming, and killing."

"You need a pack." Ethan said to Scott, totally ignoring the previous comments. "We need an Alpha."

"Yeah. Absolutely not." Stiles responded, "That's hilarious though."

"You came to us for help." Ethan continued, "We helped."

"You beat his face into a bloody pulp. That's not helping." Stiles ranted on, "In my opinion, that's actually counter- productive."

Scott ignored his best friend, "Why would I say yes?"

"We'd add strength. We'd make you more powerful." Aiden finally spoke up, "There's no reason to say no."

Making a face, Stiles rolled his eyes, then he had to take a double look, in came Kisa alongside Isaac. Stiles furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why they were together and alone.

"I can think of one." Isaac began to rant, adding his irrelevant comments into the conversation. "Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact, I don't know why we're impailing them right now."

The twins looked at Kisa, but Aiden quickly looked away and let his wolf out. He looked at Isaac, lowering his voice just enough to make Kisa hide behind Isaac. "You want to try?"

"Sorry, but they don't trust you." Scott held Isaac back, letting his mom side out. "And neither do I."

"I could trust you." Kisa raised her hand, shrugging as she saw the smirks on the twins. "That is, if you even want to try."

"Kisa!" Scott hissed, pulling her behind him as he pushed between.

Stiles shook his head, squeezing between the McCall twins and walking into class. He praised Scott about finally hearing him out.

"Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes?" Isaac questioned Stiles and Kisa. "He said those exact words?"

"Yeah." Kisa confirmed, following them down the stairs. "And no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia. They're always completely unconscious."

"They just know that when they opened him up, they found a tumor of live flies," Stiles said continuing to walk down. "which in any other circumstances would be all kinds of awesome."

"Did you say flies?" Lydia asked, stopping a bit far behind them.

They all stopped, Allison the only one being concerned. "Lydia?"

"All day I have been hearing this sound." Lydia explained, frustration in her. "It's like...this buzzing."

"Like the sound of flies?" Kisa stated the obvious, walking along her friends to her.

"Exactly like the sound of flies." Lydia confirmed, her eyes setting on Kisa.

Stiles immediately began to tap his hands, snapping his fingers and grabbing Kisa, "We need Scott."

He ran down the halls, occasionally stopping when he noticed that Kisa was behind.

"Stiles-- woah!" She exclaimed, raising her hands and letting Stiles pick her up. "Yeah, this might be faster."

Setting her down, Stiles began to sprint again, millions of thoughts racing his mind. Some involving the certain Kisa McCall.

"Hey, dude, where the hell have you been?" Spotting Scott down a hall, Stiles stopped.

Lydia came running in too, "The police are leaving."

"Why are they leaving?" Kisa asked herself, looking at the window for a quick second.

"The police?" Scott asked confused, clearly not updated by the current events.

"They must have cleared the building and grounds," Stiles muttered to himself, "which means he's not here."

"Who?" Scott asked again, "What are you guys--"

"He has to be here." Lydia cut him off, getting bothered again. "That sound, the buzzing I've been hearing?"

"It's getting louder." Kisa nodded, reading her off as Lydia looked away for a second.

"How loud?" Stiles asked, clearly concerned that Lydia's banshee powers were getting off the charts.

"Hey, dad! Dad!" Stiles ran off after his father, "You can't leave yet."

"We got an eyewitness that puts Barrow by the train station." In a brief stop, Sheriff informed his son.

"Let's go, Stilinski." Agent turned around and shouted at him.

"Whoa, whoa." Stiles almost threw himself at his dad, trying to stop him once more. "Dad, please, just, Lydia that he's still here."

Sheriff turned back around, "Did she see him?"

"Not exactly. No. Well, not at all actually." Stiles thought about it, using his hands to express himself. "But she has a feeling. A supernatural feeling."

Looking confused, Sheriff looked off to see Lydia concentrated on a door, then spotted Kisa blowing a gum and playing on her phone. "Lyd-Lydia wasn't on the chessboard."

"She is now." Stiles nodded a bit, sighing as he told him.

"Kanima?" Sheriff asked knowing that she was not a werewolf.

"Um, banshee." Stiles said a bit slow, hoping his dad would not make it seemed like it was ridiculous.

Sheriff looked away for a second to try and soak it in, "Oh, God."

"I know. I know how it sounds." In reassurance, Stiles said to him knowing he had the same reaction as his dad. "But basically it means that she can sense when someone's close to death."

"Can she sense that I'm about to kill you?" Sheriff hissed back.

"I don't know." Stiles answered as both looked behind his shoulder, seeing the redhead wave and smile as Sheriff did the same. Kisa still on the phone.

"All right, look, I-I'm not saying I don't believe, but right now, I'm going with eyewitness over banshee." Sheriff told his son, "We're leaving a few deputies here. The school's on lock down till 3:00. Nobody comes in, nobody goes out." Seeing Stiles' face of disapproval, Sheriff extended his arms. "Buddy, that's the best I've got right now. That's the best I can give you, Stiles."

Stiles shook his head, being left by himself talking. "You're leaving me here, that is not-- that is worst."

Sheriff jogged back to him, asking him one last question. "Please tell me that Kisa isn't a... banshee, kanima, werewolf, werecoyote, whatever else there is!"

Looking back, again, now Kisa looked up, smiling at the pair and popping her gum.

"Human, dad." Stiles answered, opening his mouth to say something, but Sheriff cutting him off.

"Thank God."

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