eighteen : 3×19

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Re- applying her lipstick, Kisa drop it into the make- up bag and jumped when she looked back up. The reflection of Stiles making tears swell up in her eyes.

"Stiles?" Asking softly at him, she kept the eye contact, flinching when he dropped a hand on her arm. "Wh- what are you doing?"

"Nothing that would hurt you, little kitten." He said as he whipped her around, covering her mouth and dragging her out. "Shh, you gotta work with me."

She tensed up, closing her eyes and swallowing her gasps. The hallway was empty, probably the period had started.

She re- open them, searching for someone, but finding no one. Looking around where she could, she saw that they were heading off to the basement of the school.

"Now, you stay here, while I plan." He said as he sat her down on a room, going away and then coming back with a duffle bag. "Hands."

"What are you planning?" Asking him as her taped her hands behind her back, she continued to look at the bag. "Y'know what happened at the hospital?"

"Everything is going as planned and it will continue without you." He said as he taped her legs together too. "I know you know something, Kisa."

His hands rested on her knees, a smirk placed on his face as he caressed her bare skin. "Don't touch me."

"Kisa. Beautiful name." He chuckled darkly, using his other hand to pull back a piece of hair. "Do you have an idea of what your name means?"

"I said: 'Don't touch me.'" Kisa jerked her face, almost losing her balance with the force. "They'll find me. They'll figure out your plans--"

"Sun." He interrupted her, grabbing her by the chin and pulling her face close to him. "It means 'Sun'. Kisa, you're a goddess. You could be a goddess, that is, if you let me finish the planning."

Tapping her mouth too, he laughed as he kissed her mouth over the tape.

"Well look at that," He said, standing back to admire her. "You look more beautiful with your mouth shut."

Kisa watched him as he threw the tape back into the bag, then he dug through it pulling out a blueprint and then extending it out. He read some markings, nodding to himself and then putting it back inside.

"Kisa," He vowed with a mocking smile, "the goddess."

It had been probably an hour. Or maybe just minutes.

But all could Kisa hear were the growls that woke her up. She tried to scream but the tape just muffled them. Dragging herself to the floor, she used hed feet to push and tried to scream as she neared the door.

In a couple more minutes, she hear footsteps and that was when she screamed her loudest. If these werewolves didn't hear her then she'll have to have a talk about their hearing.

"Did you hear that?" It was Stiles' voice, she recognized it. "Shh."

"It came from here." Another voice said, it was Scott. "The boiler room?"

Leaning against the wall besides the door, Kisa screamed again. This time earning the full attention, and causing the door to blow open.

"Kisa? What are you doing?" Ethan asked. "Did he do this?"

Kisa nodded as the twin pointed at Stiles, the other gripping the poor skinny boy by the collar of his shirt.

"Woah, hey, no!" Stiles gasped as they pulled him off the ground. "I swear, look-- no! It wasn't me!"

loose your mind | void!stilesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu