As Shawn continued to kiss me, my body started tingling, and I could feel the excitement rush through my body. Before I had time to take in this unfamiliar feeling and understand it, he let his tongue slip through his lips as he licked me. This movement sent my body into a tizzy.

I grabbed the blankets, trying to keep myself from making noises. Then Shawn did the unthinkable and thrust his tongue inside me. Oh, my god! What the hell? Before I couldn't even comprehend what he did, he picked up the pace, licking and sucking as I tried to stay quiet, but it was hard as I squirmed.

Then he moved one arm away from my leg and took two fingers, slowly inserting them inside me as he continued to work his magic with his tongue. Hot damn did he know what he was doing.

I couldn't hold it anymore, and I let out a moan, and my body thrashed about as he continued making me explode into absolute pleasure - holy hell.

I laid there for a few minutes, trying to catch my breath. I finally opened my eyes to see Shawn looking at me and smirking. I dropped my head back onto the bed. What in the world happened?

After our night of finally exploring each other and getting to know each other's bodies better, it was hard to concentrate on studying for midterms or anything. Every time we turned around, one of us pulled the other one off to somewhere private, like the janitor's closet at school.

Our bedrooms, a car, and any other place we could think of spending time alone. I guess Shawn finally handle his issue with intimacy. I mean, I understand why there was an issue, but it's like a switch got flipped in his head and he couldn't control himself. Well, it's not like I could either. I mean, have you seen my boyfriend? He's fucking hot as hell.

It got to the point my family had to step in and separate us so we could study because if we didn't pass our midterms, my parents would kill us. Every time we disappeared, someone would find us and take the other one away, but we would sneak back to each other.

Between my brothers, Leo and Dad, we were making them a little tired. Eventually, they took turns guarding our bedroom doors with sitting next to it. Every time we open our door, they would stop us, and we would shut our door again - fantastic. My boyfriend finally comes to terms with intimacy, and they prevented us from doing anything. Ugh, it's frustrating.

While we were trying to find ways around everyone else, we had another problem brewing in the form of Gage.

I was running late getting out of class since the teacher wanted to talk to me about my paper that I wrote, and no, it wasn't bad. Why do people automatically think every time a teacher wants to talk, it's terrible? Well, okay, it usually is, but this time it was a pleasurable thing.

While I was busy with the teacher, the others waited for me in the parking lot.

"Where's Mack?" RJ asked.

"The teacher wanted to talk to her about her paper," Shawn said to him.

"If she's not out in ten minutes, we're bringing her out," RJ said, and the rest nodded in agreement.

After speaking with the teacher, I hurried to my locker and grabbed some stuff so I could meet the others. As I closed my locker door, I got one hell of a surprise in the form of Gage and a serrated knife.

"It'll be fun to gut you like the pig you truly are," Gage said, looking at the knife as he turned it back and forth.

Oh, hell no, not now, never. I would not stick around so Gage could make good on his promises. So, I did what any logical person would do and threw my book at him and booked it out of there.

"You fucking bitch! I'll enjoy gutting you," he screamed, chasing after me.

What the hell is wrong with this guy? Does he realize I have three brothers and many cousins to deal with in my life? I'm not one of those weaklings that cower at the sight of some raging psycho. I'm a freaking hellion for crying out loud.

As I ran towards the exit with him hot on my heels, I saw the others. I ran over to them and Gage stopped in his tracks. That alerted the guys, who saw Gage behind me.

"You piece of shit, motherfucker! I'll break you in fucking half," RJ roared at Gage. RJ rushed Gage, knocking him down, making the knife fly out of his hand. As RJ laid into Gage, he yelled, "Not so tough when you're not hiding, are you? Want to go after girls because you can't take on a proper man, you sonofabitch?"

RJ finally knocked Gage out and got off him as Liam picked up the knife. "Here," Liam said. He handed the knife to RJ, who took it while he looked at Gage, seething. Gage's eyes widen until RJ threw the knife at Gage's head, landing it next to him and sticking into the floor.

"You missed," Gage hissed at RJ.

"No, I didn't, but the next time I see you anywhere near us, I'll put it right in the middle of your forehead. I have warned you."

With that, RJ and Liam walked back over to us. Gage grabbed the knife. He flung it at RJ with Liam, catching it quickly. As Gage got up and tried to hightail it out of there, Liam swung around, flinging the knife at Gage, landing it into his calf, causing him to scream in pain.

Liam turned to RJ. "Now that's how you throw a knife."

"Yeah, whatever, smartass," RJ said as he motioned for us to leave.

After that, we didn't see Gage, and I had a feeling that would not be the end of it either. We made it through midterms, albeit with a bit of chaos while doing so. It wouldn't be us if we didn't have some kind of chaos going on in our life.

All I know is what was coming up for us. We had to be ready for, and that would need reinforcements. It's time to make a call.

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