"Hey, if I have to work, I have to make it fun somehow!"

I laughed a little before responding, "We'll just have two coffees,"

He note it down and then glanced at the flyers, "Kumakuku?"

I groaned and put my head on the table, "I was half-asleep when I wrote those..."

Gilbert laughed and shrugged, "If it makes you feel any better, I have a bird called Gilbird. And that was intentional,"

"Why would you name a bird after yourself," I asked out loud.

"Because I'm awesome," he simply stated.

"Gilbert," the other waiter called out, "I don't pay you to gossip around!"

"Stop yelling from across the room, Roderich!" Gilbert yelled back, louder. He laughed and then looked back at the flyers, "I hope you find your cat," and he turned to leave and to make our coffees.

Alfred looked at me, then to the man, and then back at me and smirked, "Ah, I see. You don't use your animal pickup lines at school but anywhere else is fine!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, Nothing," Alfred said and then changed his expression, "Does Francis ever talk about his work life?"

"His work? Not really. He knows I get anxious when I think about him being in danger. He does talk about the other workers and stuff like that,"

"Did he ever mention a Yao Wang?"

"Yao Wang? I think he has... Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious... Well, I can't say much but Yao has something to do with Kiku but I don't know what it is. I told Francis about it and he mentioned something about an incident that happened years ago. Have any idea what he meant?"

"No, sorry... If he did told me about it, I was probably too young to remember about it. I'll try asking him about it. Is there something wrong with Kiku and Yao?"

"I think so... And it worries me... Kiku seemed really shaken up whenever I mentioned Yao. Like something really bad happened between them and Kiku won't tell me what it is. I don't think Yao could've done anything bad to him,"

"Then maybe it was Kiku who did the bad thing?"

"What?! Kiku would never hurt anyone!"

"Calm down, Al. I was just saying. Maybe there's a reason why Kiku won't tell you..."

Alfred didn't respond and frowned. I could see that he really didn't want to think Kiku as a bad person.

"OK, OK! I get it, Roderich!" Gilbert came back with the coffee but was arguing with the other waiter again. He didn't pay attention where he was going and almost tripped but dropped the coffee on the flyers and on my hoodie, "Schiebe! Shit, shit! I'm sorry!" He quickly apologized, "Elizabetha is going to murder me if she knew I fucked up," he muttered to himself and handed me napkins.

I stood up and took my my hoodie, "It's alright. At least it didn't go through to my shirt,"

Alfred couldn't help but to laugh, "Smooth move, dude" he whispered to Gilbert.

"Why are you even wearing a sweater in June?" Gilbert asked as he wiped the table.

I shrugged in response, "I like big sweaters," I took the flyers that were soaked in the coffee and threw them away.

"I'm sorry about that," he apologized again, "I guess I can be a klutz at times,"

"I'll just print new ones and with the correct name. Don't worry about it,"

"I'll get you another coffee," he smiled and went back, "And if there's anything I can help you with, don't be afraid to ask the awesome me!"

When he left, I went back to sit with Alfred, "Are you free to help me tomorrow?"

Alfred nodded but then shook his head and smirked like he got an evil idea, "I have the day off but I'm going to hang with Kiku. Why don't you get loud waiter over to help you?"

"What? Why?"

"He did say to ask him if you need anything. Maybe then you will get a friend other than me,"

I glared at Alfred but knew he was right. I have always been shy and quiet so I often went unnoticed in school, "I don't want to bother him,"

Just in time, Gilbert came and placed the coffee Gently and whispered, "Sorry," again. Before he turned to leave, Alfred called out to him, "Hey, waiter dude! My friend actually needs some help!"

"Alfred, what are you doing?!" I whispered-shouted to him.

Gilbert came back, "What can the awesome Gilbert do for you?"

Before I can tell him anything, Alfred spoke, "Mattie here was going to hang more posters tomorrow and he was wondering if you could help him since I will be busy,"

I closed my eyes and banged my head gently on the table. Gilbert chuckled and thought for a while, "I actually don't have to work tomorrow so I'm free. It's the only way I can repay you for the posters,"

I looked up, debating to tell him that Alfred was just joking or not, "I would appreciate that," I finally said. I didn't want to be rude and he really seemed like he meant it.

"Alright! See ya tomorrow, Matt," he said and left.

"It's Matthew," I muttered and glared back at Alfred who was trying not to laugh again, "Happy, Al?"

"Very. And where's my thanks?"

"Gee, thanks..." I chuckled and sipped some coffee. I glanced at Gilbert who was looking at me. He waved and wink before going to take an order from another table. Now that I think of it, I don't see how this could be a bad thing.


The gay is real.

Finally added some Canada in there! I'm also debating whether to add Nordics or not in this story because I thought of some ideas for Hong Kong and Iceland and some Sweden and Finland arcs.

Next Chapter will be Gilbert's Point of View and maybe some Ludwig.

Thank you for reading so far! I hope you are enjoying this and I appreciate any comments and votes! See ya next update!

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