XVIII: my hidden shame

Start from the beginning

So I couldn't tell David, good to know. He would probably start a fight about it anyway. It would've gone something like this:

"What? Why would you agree to something like that?"

"I need to find out where my dad is and Scott is protecting him. I have no other choice!"

"That's bull!" He would say angrily and I would shake my head.

"David I really like you, but it says..."

"Taylor, I love you."

The fantasy made me smile a little, it made absolutely no sense but I wished that I could tell him. It made me giddy to even consider the possibility of him loving me. I didn't realize that I had zoned out until a grape hit me square in the nose.

"Earth to Taylor." His hazel-brown eyes were looking intensely at me as I felt like I could explode from how much I wanted to kiss him. Woah, I had never realized that my crush on David Branson could become this big.

"Nothing, how about you?"

"Not much, just wondering why the girl that's got me head over heels is dating an asshole. And why she told me not to talk to her around said asshole." He muttered as I blushed.

I smiled only having heard the bits and pieces of his murmurs, wanting so badly to reach across the table and hold his hand. I could feel eyes staring, multiple eyes focused on us. Everyone was probably wondering why we weren't fighting per usual. I shook my head, unable to speak to him, not with so many eyes looking our way.

"Alright then," He stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans. "I will see you tonight." He'd has said that yesterday and I still wasn't sure what he meant.

Before I could ask him what he meant or where he would even see me, he had left and the menacing stare of Scott Davis took over.

"You talked to him." He said. Part five of your contract says you aren't allowed to talk to him.

"No. He talked to me, I was being polite and responding." I said, he really can't be mad over this.

"Don't respond next time." He growled just as the first bell rang. I began heading to my first class. Well, until Matt stopped me in the hallway.

"Taylor. Stop, we need to talk!" He rushed toward me, dropping his backpack, which he had left open, and tripping over the fallen contents. I stifled a laugh as I walked over to help him. Andrew Donovan was his real name, I just keep asking myself at what point will he tell me the truth. For a second, I was about to get angry and inform him that we had already talked, but I decided against it.

"You're such a klutz Matt," I said, picking up his last notebook and handing it to him.

"I just wanted you to know, I asked Vanessa out. I have a date with her tonight and I really could use some help getting ready." I squealed loudly as he announced the great news, unable to keep my poker face.

"Definitely oh my gosh!! I am so happy for you Andrew!" I said, the name slipped. The name slipped and I ruined our friendship. The name slipped and revealed the fact that I knew the truth. The name spilled out of my mouth as accidentally as Matt had tripped. He glanced up at me immediately, his facade quickly disappearing and his face stiffened. He zipped his bag and stood up, grabbing me harshly by my arm.

I felt helpless as I was dragged by my arm, unable to speak. My wordless heart pumped blood too quickly. He dragged us into the boys bathroom and placed his backpack in front of the door.

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