XVIII: my hidden shame

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Me 5:30 a.m.
If Scott is around, pretend you don't know me. Please.

David 5:31 a.m.

Me 5:33 a.m.
Just do it okay??

David 5:39 a.m.
Fine. See you at school.

I sighed. Life has gotten so dull and insignificant lately.

I stared at my phone screen for a long time before quickly putting on some sweats and heading outside to go to school. This would probably make Scott really mad; the way I was dressed that is.

Upon arrival, alone and without Matt, I headed straight to the cafeteria. My hair was a mess and I was wearing sweats and sneakers, looking as pathetic as a shadow of my former self. As soon as I stepped into the crowded cafeteria alone, it went oddly silent before whispers and questioning gazes began to arise.

What happened to Taylor Blakely. Why is she dressed so different from how she used to. Why isn't her makeup on, or her clothes more fancy. When did she stop hanging out with all her friends?

And when Scott approached me, more questions were asked. I felt miserable as he dragged me to a secluded table and sat beside me. He then pulled out a packet of papers.

"Well, we have to do something about your appearance these next two months." He said. I glanced at him sideways before scanning the cafeteria for anyone I might want to talk to. And in this case, there was only one person I especially wanted to see.

"Scott, you left your bagel and cheese on the table unattended so I will be eating it. Hey Taylor." Some random guy from the football team said and walked away.

"Sign here." Scott said. I looked at the new contract, this one was only ten pages and the font was actually legible.

"Taylor must dress nicely anywhere with Scott?" I raised an eyebrow. What kind of lawyer was willing to create a contract like this. My answer came quickly- an extremely well paid lawyer.

"You understand why that one was put there, correct?"

"I don't know if you noticed Scott, but I really don't have money to go waste on new clothes."

"Right." He smirked, "well with what you have, don't look like this."

"Taylor must comply with outside activities such as hiking, bowling, swimming, biking, that Scott wishes to do."

"Here, you know what, Take your time reading that. I'll see you at lunch."  Jerk.

I really wanted to ask him what would happen if I violated any piece of the contract. And another part of me wondered what would happen if I choked him with it.

I quickly pulled a pen from my backpack. Scott must not visit Taylor in her place of residence and must contact her one day prior doing so.

"Hey." David sat across from me after Scott left. I didn't make eye contact with him although my heart was racing like crazy. He set his zip-lock bag of grapes down at my deserted table."Taylor. Look," he said, coaxing me to look at his goofy grape-filled nose.

"Those are going to get stuck in there." I laughed, my body so very happy that he was here.

"So what's going on."

I looked down at the contract, Taylor may not make mention to anyone of this arrangement.

Of course he would include that. He had thought of everything and every possible scenario in this now- fifteen page document.

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