🌸Chapter 2🌸

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Your Pov
Ahh. What a good sleep. I woke up to see that is was 5 in the morning. Okay not to bad, I thought to myself.

I took a shower and pulled on my skinny jeans and put on my striped crop top.

I did some light makeup and was off to the airport. I'm a really sentimental person and started crying when I got in the car with my family.

"Fam, chill you literally got in here 5 seconds ago," my older brother said, looking annoyed.

I wiped the tears with a jacket I had around my waist. On the bright side I could leave my family, who really disliked BTS. Of course I didn't tell them that BTS is also in Seoul and that's the main reason I went there.

Oh great now I seem like a stalker.

~~~le time skip to the airport~~

I started crying again and hugged my family.

"We'll miss you!" They all said in unison.

I turned back and waved, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket at the check-in to see it was 6:30 am. I was currently on schedule. I moved on to security, AND OH BOI THAT LINE WAS LONG AF. I heard a ding noise from my pocket and checked what it was.


Group chat:

Christa: you here fam, I'm missing you so much

I smiled looking at how much they cared.


Me: All around me are familiar faces

Layla:can you guys cut it out it is so early in the morning.


Literally a second later Awake started playing on my phone

Me: :0

I was interrupted by a voice
"Excuse me, you're kinda holding up the line" said the person.

I nervously laughed."Ha...Sorry."

I ran up towards where I was supposed to go. I put my stuff on the belt and walked through the grey frame thing. When I went to get my stuff, a security guard whispered in my ear, "Aye you ARMY too?" I nodded my head vigorously. We both chuckled. I made my way to my gate.


I finally reached my gate and it was 69. Hmm lol this is weird. Better take a picture. I pulled my phone out of my jean pocket and took a picture. I glanced all over to see if anyone had looked at me. I sighed. I waited on the benches and was quite bored. I ended up falling asleep.

I felt some one's finger 'boop' my nose. "Huh." I said sleepily. I woke up to see Jhope over me? WAIT WHAT. N-N-NOOOOO. I couldn't say anything, I was blushing so hard.

'They're on the same flight as me!!??' I got up and thanked him pretending not to know who he was. Luckily I had gotten first class so I got to board first.

~~le time skip to boarding plane~~

I sat down on my seat, and pulled out my phone again to tell the great news to my friends who really wouldn't care. As I set my bag down near my feet I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up to see no one.

'eH just my imagination, probably getting too excited Lol'

I felt another tap.
'okayyy, there's no one next to me' I thought.

Once again I felt.. a finger taser?!

I squealed and hurried to see who it was. I was done.

"I give up." I said aloud.
People glanced, I must've been crazy.
I finally sat down with no distractions and saw someone approaching me...with a mask?

'Fam this ain't Halloween..' he sat down next me, I had the window seat. I glanced to see his expression.

He seemed annoyed. I looked back and saw that it was RAP MONSTER?!!

Okay, but if he's here and so is Jhope......the whole squad IS PROBABLY HERE!!! I looked at who he was looking at, it was the maknae jungkook.

He was sitting in the row behind us. I saw his face and our eyes locked. He started laughing..?

Jungkook's POV
I saw a girl sleeping on the benches, she was pretty. She looked Korean, but American. I wanted to wake her up, but I didn't.

J-Hope must've noticed cause he touched her nose and she woke up. I assumed she thanked him. J-Hope returned to us.

Was he day dreaming or something cause, something was awfully weird with him. I forgot about that and started boarding the plane. I saw my seat, but in the row ahead of me was the same girl.

She was putting her bag down. I couldn't resist so I went to tap her, and hid. She looked up and went back down. I did it again, she looked confused.

'Awww CUTEE'
Wait what...No.No.I don't like her, ive always liked someone else. IU is always there for me.I forgot about it and tasered her. She squealed.

'omg I can't resist this.'
She looked up and said something in English, which of course I didn't really understand. I saw rap monster. He gave me a dirty look.

'Oh man holy shit! I'm in trouble for sure!' He sat next to her. He turned around and smirked. The girl looked back right after and I had to laugh. SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT WAS ME.
"Sorry." I said in Korean. Wait, did she understand.

"Wait so it was you, jungkook?" She asked in Korean. Rap Monster suddenly turned his head towards her.

He looked astonished. I managed to take his photo.

J-Hope's POV
I saw a super cute girl on the benches. I tapped her nose. She woke up. 'Awww cute'

Wait I hope she doesn't​ have some super possessive boyfriend. I quickly left. I really hope to see her again. I think I kinda like her, but as a friend. I mean we barely even spoke

I looked over at kookie who was looking at me giving a death stare. I was suddenly super scared.

Rap Monster's POV
Agh this girl is now sitting next to me. Having one boy like her is enough, but now she's going to sit next to me. I didn't dare look at her.

I saw hear look over her seat and come down. I turned my head towards her, cause like SHE CAN SPEAK SOME LEGIT KOREAN. Okay chill, tbh she is pretty. Wait, what am I thinking. I can't get myself into this.

Your Pov
I wonder what was going through rap Monster's head. I mean he's usually so friendly. "Hey, ummm, what's your name?" He asked. He then looked at me and back at his phone a few times. "WAIITTT YOUR-"


Find out next chapter.....
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this. I made this one suuppper long. So yea.

Where To Go? Kpop BG X Reader ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz