Twenty-eight (II)

Start from the beginning

The fear gnawed on his insides. The fear of losing her. The fear of failing. Xavier took another generous sip from his glass and steeled his nerves. He would help Charlotte win back her kingdom. He would keep her safe. And if her crown came at the cost of his happiness, so be it.

"Let's carefully analyse our problem and see what solutions are open to us." Xavier rubbed his chin and looked around the table at his company.

The fair-haired Vida leaned forward on her arms and said, "As I was saying before you barged in, Diego isn't our only enemy on this land."

"I agree," Hayden spoke up from his seat to his right. "When Gideon challenged Charlotte, not one member of court stepped forward in her defence."

"Taking back the throne then won't be enough." Ari said.

"We need to reestablish her authority." He finished.

"How is the important question." Vida added.

"We can't look to our neighbours for assistance. One kingdom is the cause of all our problems." Xavier mused out loud.

"But the other might be willing to help." Hayden said as he suddenly got to his feet and left the tent in a hurry.

"What was that about?" Vida asked him.

"How should I know?" He leaned back in his chair trying to tackle the problem from a different mindset.

Silence descended upon all of them as they waited for Hayden to return. Xavier found his eyes unintentionally being drawn to the princess. She hadn't said much, nothing at all, and he wondered what she was thinking.

Charlotte was sitting up straight, her eyes focused on her hands resting atop the table, looking seemingly lost. But he of all people was well-acquainted with that look.

That slight crease between her brows, the set of her jaw. Her mind was working. Good, it'll keep her distracted from her recent loss.

Too much had happened in little more than two days and the guilt at having not been there made his insides churn. The King was a good man. Xavier would miss him for his booming laughter and sound advice. For his misplaced jokes and fierce loyalty. He had loved Frahadry and it's people even if he hadn't been born to this land.


He blinked twice to find that Charlotte had turned slightly to face his sister. Marissa waved for the princess to continue.

"I'm supposing that the rebels have an army, a fighting force of sorts."

"Yes, but we aren't very well equipped. The number of our fighting men would be almost the size of your royal guard. We have a few ships as well but none worthy of battle." Ari answered.

So little. Xavier had feared as such but the sting of disappointment was only partly dulled by the alcohol in his system.

"But they are loyal men and very resourceful." Vida added.

"And they are at your service," his sister smiled at Charlotte.

"They are?" Vida asked incredulously.

He heard a loud thump under the table that sounded suspiciously like a kick. The leader of the eastern rebels threw his sister a dirty look before forcing a smile and saying, "they are."

Charlotte bowed her head in gratitude and a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "I'm grateful. How far is Darley from here?"

"Half a day's journey south-west." Xavier answered,wondering what Charlotte wanted with the small, quiet village of Darley.

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