Having Long Hair Is Annoying

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Having long hair is great and all.
So flows and nice.
You can style it whatever.
I chopped half of it off.
But when I had long hair, and since my hair is still growing to a medium length.
It's still annoying at times.
The most major part would be in the spring and summer time.
When I was around the heat.
Which I would love to put the window down and have the cool breeze hit my face.
But the sad part would be, my hair would still wacky me in the face and go all over the place.
So I would have my hand put it back in the right place and hold it down a couple of times.
But then when it's constant it's so annoying.
At some point I give up completely.
I then try and find a hair tie to put my hair up.
I usually don't put my hair up anyway.
When I don't find one, I wish to have one.
The funny thing is.
Recently we went to the dollar general to buy a few things.
One of my few things were hair ties.
Yup, hair ties.
I'm so much like Crow though.
When she's in a pony tail 50% of the time.
So yeahhh...
Well anyways, if you have long hair most likely you'll relate to it.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Hugs and kisses!!!

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