I'm going to my first ever wedding...What do I think?

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Yeah, a wedding.

On 9/11/16


All I'm hinting is at 911 as in the police number.

Not the other, depressing thing.

If you know what I mean.


I like candy and food.

And there hopefully be cake.

I miss cake.

I didn't even eat cake on my birthday.

Depressing huh?


It's my drug.

In a way maybe.

Nevermind the cake, there's different food!

And also hopefully, it's tastes to my liking.

So yeah.

But in the morning of Sunday, I'd be hanging out with Zoey's house.

Maybe with a few friends to.

Depends if they can come.

Other than that, the wedding will be very confusing to me.

I wonder who I'll see there.

What I'll eat there.

What I'll do there.

Will I dance?

Will I just sit there and eat?

Most likely.

What else...

Oh yeah, I'll be having both my phone and tablet if I got nothing to do.

As in, mostly reading on my tablet.

Or playing simple games on my phone.

And rare times do I get to listen to music.

Since it's going to be a crazy mess.

It'll take long to.

Plus, the people there, I barely even know.

I just got invited because my parents were invited to.

My older brother didn't want to go.

I chose to go because I thought it would be 'fun'.

Mostly I think I just 'wanted' to go because it's a first time for me.

PLUS, I mostly just want to eat.

That's all.

I like food.

Did I tell you that?
Sadly some foods are just too expensive to eat.

Long time ago, food was important for survival.

Now it's just for tasting to your pleasure.

It's weird and confusing to know that.

But almost nobody ever thinks about that anymore.

It's sad really.

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