I remembered a promise. But it's over now.

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Hey M and H...

Did you remember our promise?

Or have you forgotten?

Forgotten all our secrets, time spent, our chats, our little jokes.

Have you forgotten it all?

I guess you have.

I mean, you didn't even talk to me one last time.

Or even gave me a welcoming smile.

Or even called me and just said,

"How are you so far?"

But no.

None of you did that.

I really question you two now.

What are you guys up to?

Playing with more hearts?

Or just found new and better friends?
I think the third one is definitely correct.

I wonder, if you really miss me or not.

Our promise of still hanging out together and ever is long gone now.

We can't find it under the rumble even if we wanted to.

It might've been sucked into a black hole.

It might've even been burned.

And many other things that could break something as fragile as a promise.

I should forget it.

I should've forgotten it a long, long time ago.

But I can't now.

But why?

Why can't I forget this stupid promise?

You two meant a lot.

Well most likely you did.

But I guess it's over.

The promise should be forgotten.

It's over.

I know that.

But my heart still clings onto something.

But it's over.

It's all over.

I'm going to move on now.

Find better people.

Who actually cared.

Who really, really do care.

A new promise.

Hard as steel.

Gentle as a soft leaf.

Light as a feather.

Sharp as a claw.

Loud as a horn.

Remembered as a loved one.

I will be remembered.

I know I will.

And this promise will to.

A new promise.

Which won't be over.

It has only begun. 

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