Tomorrow for me will be sort of hectic.

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So yeah...

The title means what it means.

Tomorrow at 4th block I will have to leave it for a stupid English test.

So yeah.

I'll have to walk in the classroom.

Ask the teacher if I should leave to go.

Ask where it is, most likely in the auditorium.

Then ask what we'll be doing in the class while I'm gone.

Next I'll just take my backpack, the yellow slip and walk out the door.

Carefully not doing anything stupid or clumsy.

Soon I'll have to keep walking and finding my way to the destination.

Arrive there and slowly creep though the door.

Finding whoever is there.

Follow others maybe.

Also follow the directions set out for me.

Sit down, take the fucking stupid test.

Wait, wait, think, think. 

Plus gotta check the time!

Give the test.

Swiftly leave.

Checking the clock.

Seeing if it's still 4th block or beginning 5th block.

If it's still 4th.

Well that will mostly be easy for me to get back to the classroom.

But the thing is that it'll be awkward when I get back.

Since, it's a guitar class.

But I'll still be glad that I went an easy route.

If it's beginning 5th block.

I will have to maybe sprint or just quickly walk to my drawing class upstairs.

This will most likely confuse me.

Since the only way I know to my drawing class is I have to go and past the music class and up the stairs.

Which is a very far route.

I wouldn't really care though.

Wait, now that I think about it.

There's an easy way.

I just have to past the student lobby, library, turn to the left keep on going straight then turn left again to find my drawing class.

Seems easy?

Ha, sorta.

It's a little complex when you put into words that's for sure.

After all that complex stress and school.

We get to finally get home.

It's interesting really.

I just realized that it's going to be Thursday tomorrow.

I dunno.

I thought it was something different.

Anyways, next week will be a full on 5 school days.

Those 5 school days my friend and I.

Maybe a few more, I dunno really.

We will be wearing blue all week!

Well, the school week of course.

I don't really have that much blue.

I have like 3 blue jackets.

Maybe 3 blue leggings.

1 light blue jeans, 1 dark blue jeans, 1 full on dark blue.

Maybe a few blue t-shirts.

Oh did I tell you?
That I like wearing jackets.

I mean, long sleeves are okay but jackets and hoodies are the best.

I dunno, they are just really comfy.

And it makes me feel safe and secure in my own bubble.

Anyways, love you, hugs and kisses to my lovies!

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