I'm Insane, Or Becoming Insane Maybe

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Note- A lot of my letters were written first hand, then uploaded a couple of days later. Well some of my letters that is. I just saying this is one and some others are to. Just a heads up that's all.

I'm insane.

I talk about random things.

I spit out emotional things at random.

It's amazing!

Anyways, I'm going insane.

By who I am and who and how I hang out with people.

My friends are teaching me dirty things that are scattered into my brain and thoughts.

They also taught me new things to.

Also, just by the stress and everything that's going on is also causing this.

Plus, just things in general.

And things that tick me off, but hold all of it in.

Till I snap into insanity.

But I'm already insane though.

By how I act and how I do things.

People say I'm either weird or crazy.

Safely they just say I'm, random.

But in reality, I call it insanity.

But they're too normal to see that type of insanity.

That's okay though.

I'll be me, and you be you.

No one really cares about you.

Truly or deeply.

Sometimes they really do care and love you truly and deeply.

But only you know that.

Not others, but you.

But anyways, no one really do care if you go crazy.

They wouldn't care.

Same with everything you do.

Unless you're in the spotlight.

Being pressured to do something.

That's the time that I must control all the madness before someone truly runs away oe becomes creeped out.

It's sad really.

I'm easy to be approached to.

Well, if you approach me the right way that is.

If you approach me just normally, I act 'normal' for you.

If you approach me meanly, I become confused to an angry mode.

If you approach me sadly, I walk away, because I don't want to be in your stupid mess.

If you approach me flirty, I become scared and confused.

If you approach me by teasing, I react like myself.

If you approach me like a good friend, I become super nice.

If you approach me like a really good friend, I hug you.

If you approach me like a really bestfriend, I become myself finally.

And the other ones, well, I'm too lazy to type out.

What was I talking about again?

Oh yeah, me becoming insane!

Yay, okay, just go do something I guess.

Have a nice day!

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