The Story About My Past Friends and Present Ones

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In this letter I'll be using real names and real situations or however you wanna call them.

Well, welcome back!

Or unless, you didn't go anywhere just yet.

Either way, welcome!

I'd like to say that the subject for today is 'Friends.'

So, um yeah...

If you're ready to get into this deep, deep, root beer float then be my guest!

-To myself -

Alrighty roo...

Wait, does anybody say that anymore?

Well anyways!

So getting off topic, but who cares?

Alright, now this topic will be about friends and loved ones.

Well, mostly just friends in general.

And how some would just leave you in the dust alone.

My story is started when I was friends with this girl, her name was Holly.

Also started with a girl named Dayanara, I'm very good friends with her.

She's like an adopted sister.



I went to Holly's house and we were good friends to each other.

But she had to move.

She promised that we would stay in touch.

That was a LIE.

She never called me since.

That was only the first person.

I still have many.

I'm also surprised I never got to finish my wall building that surrounds my heart.

Or I did and never noticed it.


I also became 'friends' with this girl named Maria.

Her and I go pretty way back.

Well, that's what I want to say.

But then there was this new student.

She was pretty...

Maria talked to her more often.

I was ignored...

And never been bothered.

I seemed invisible.

There was also this other girl, her name was Rose.

Yeah, sorta sounds like a bitchy name.


In my opinion that is...

We were nice to each other.

Same as Maria.

Rose told me to befriend Maria since she was no use to me anymore.

And as a gullible and innocent child I was, I agreed.

I suddenly became friends with another good friend.

Her name was, Zoey.

She's still one of my best friends, really good best friends.

Hey, Zoey, if you're reading this.

Well then, HEYO!


We then went into middle school.

I distanced away from Rose.

Never saw Maria.

Zoey was in another color team.

I was just sitting in the homeroom until a person went and started small talk with me.

I became nice as usual.

We became acquaintances.

Zoey introduced me to some of her friends.

I quickly became friendly to them.

And instantly got hooked.

They were, Alex, Emily, Melody, and Marilyn.

They are my very best friends.

I love so much.

I don't want to ever let them go.

Never ever...

I don't want to be left alone and abandoned again.

I don't want to suffer and feel the pain.

Even though I felt nothing when it all happened.

I don't want to imagine it.

Many months past and Holly has abandoned me.

Maria never talks to me.

Rose talks about me behind my back.

It seems like they all changed.

Ha, funny...

I changed too...

But in a better way...

Well, that's what I want to say.

Note to all my friends.

I love you so much.

I can't express it.

Even if I could with my words.

It still wouldn't tell you my real feelings and affection.

So please, don't leave me.

And I promise, I'll never leave you.  

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