Summer Plans

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I remember almost everything.

I remember those summer nights where I stay up late at night with my friend Zoey typing up our role play with our characters in a Boku no Hero Academia World.

Calling each other on hangouts and just whatever.

You know, I quit that world.

Yeah sure it was pretty awesome and all.

I don't want to be attached to my lover anymore.

Since dozens of fan-girls be screaming him name.

I'd rather have my character fall in love with a character I made, as well of falling for him myself.

I know cheesy?


My summer plans huh, well as I said before most of my close friends are moving.

So I know I won't be hanging with them as much as I used to, duhhh.

Anyways, well I know I'll have to clean my room and the WHOLE entire house mostly.

Since well...

Oh I didn't tell you about my thing yet huh.

I will soon.

But yeah, ANYWAYS, going back to what I was saying, I'm hoping to at least try out making a fairy garden up in front since I want it to pop and be inviting to other people who come and visit us.

Since all it is now is a pile of green leave overlapping each other.

I'll have to clean the excess crap stuff on it to so it'll look clean.

I also have to work in the backyard as well.

 The funny thing is that we just cut down trees because the large branches fell from a massive wind storm or a thunderstorm.

When we cut down our trees that were IN the fence, there's trees GROWING UP AND ON THE FENCE.

Like, when I see them, I'm like, BOI.

Not even that but I'm like these trees are so prettyyyy...
Then we have to go off and cut the growing trunk because we don't want to have the freaking fence fly up with the tree and let my dogs run out.


There's also going to be fishing, beach, and etc trips.

But that's only the start of my summer plans.


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