chapter 73:

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Lizbeth's POV:

I been released from the hospital. The first thing i did was change. I found clothes in my bag. I walked out of the hospital, and headed back home. I may not have a dad. Or anyone, but i still have a house.

Cameron's POV:

I walked back to the hospital to visit lizbeth. I heard that she woke up 2 weeks ago, im pretty nervous. I haven't seen her since she left us. I walked in lizbeth's room and saw it was empty. So i walked to the front desk.

Cameron-"Miss where is the girl that was in room 69?"
Nurse-"She checked out today"
Cameron-"Okay thank you"

I ran out of the hospital. Not knowing where she lived was going to be hard.

Luke's POV:

Calum-"Feeling any better lukey?"
Luke-"Yea. Better than before"
Michael:"Can't believe you got in a car accident. And almost killed a young innocent girl"
Luke:"Shut Michael. I wasn't paying attention. I was arguing on the phone"
Ashton:"With your Cheating-No good-Gold digger girlfriend?"
Luke"Shut up. She isn't that bad"
Calum-"He's right she isn't that bad, she's horrible"
Luke-"Really Guys"
Nurse-"How are you feeling?"
Luke-"Im feeling better"
Nurse-"That's good to hear"
Calum-"When can we visit the girl he almost killed"
Luke-"I didn't kill her did I?"
Nurse-"She um checked out this morning"
Michael-"Wasn't she in critical condition?"
Nurse-"She woke up 2 weeks ago"
Ashton-"I told yall we should of visit her when we had the chance"
Calum-"Now we don't know where she lives."
Luke-"Can you tell me anything about her"
Nurse-"Im sorry i can't"
Calum-"Well we are going to find out. One way or another"

Calum's POV:

I walked out luke's room and walked around the hospital. I saw a room where they kept all the files. I looked around and saw that nobody was around and i entered. I looked for hours, people came in and out. I hide in a small space. I opened up a file. It read Lizbeth, she didn't have a last name. I read everything, and i found out that she is an Orphanage.

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