chapter 34:

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Luke's POV:
I ran to my car and bolted to the market where lizbeth was. I treat her as a daughter because she never had one before and want a better way to begin now then later. I saw people in the market surrounding something, please don't be Lizbeth. Once i parked my car, i ran over and saw someone laying in a puddle of blood and it had a note but it was covered in blood. I saw Lizbeth inside so I ran over to her. She saw me and she ran over to me with her hands full, so picked her up and ran to our car and drove off.
Luke:"Are you okay?"
Lizbeth:"No, i saw someone kill someone innocent, and before they left they stared at me and pointed behind me and behind me was a note saying 'Be careful babe, we don't want you getting hurt' Luke im scared"
Luke:"We are getting us a bodyguard or two. And we are also getting the police involved because I don't want my child getting hurt"
Lizbeth:"Thanks luke"
Luke:"What are fake dads for?'
Lizbeth:"Well even though you aren't my real dad, i still love you as one"
Luke:"Even though you aren't my real daughter i still love you as one"
We drove in silence, i still couldn't what just happened out of my head. Once we got home, lizbeth and I got the bags and went inside. Lizbeth could of been hurt. Who could be after her.
Cameron's POV:
We just landed, and i'm really tired. I texted Lizbeth, i hope she still isn't mad at me.
Me:"Hey Lizbeth"
Liz:"Hey cam"
Me:"I just wanted to say sorry that i told you those stuff it's that i was stressed and i shouldn't of took it out of you"
Liz:"I don't know why I'm forgive you, but if you mess up im not forgive you"
Me:"Thanks i won't mess up, and btw where do you live"
Liz:"My address is Abernathy Drive and my house is the huge mansion"
I saw our driver and i told him where to go. Once we got to Lizbeth house my jaw dropped so did everyone else.
Carter:"Well damn she has money"
Aaron:"This isn't a house"
Shawn:"I wanna live here"
Hayes:"Who's house is this?"
Nash & Taylor:"Who is lizbeth"
Cameron:"Just on of our friends"
Nash:"Is she pretty?"
Cameron:"She's gorgeous"
Taylor:"Can we see her now?"
We all walkes up to Lizbeth house, i knocked on the door and this blonde hair dude was at the door.
Luke;"How can I help you?"
Cameron:"do you know where lizbeth lives?"
Lizbeth:"Im here"
I saw her walking out, with her hair perfectly.
Luke:"Lizbeth who are these people?"
Lizbeth:"These are my friends"
Luke:"well, nice to met you im luke.."
Shawn:"You're luke hemmings from 5SOS"
Luke:"Well that is my name"
Calum:"Lizbeth are you back with the food?"
Lizbeth:"Im been back, and the food is the kitchen"
Cameron:"Lizbeth, this is your house?"
Lizbeth:"Yea, would you like to come in?"
The guys and I came in, and her house was like a dream house people would have.
Shawn:"I missed you lizbeth"
Liz:"Im missed you too"
Cameron:"Sorry to break this happy moment but Lizbeth your in danger"
Lizbeth POV:
Cameron:"We came here to help you"
Brent:"We actually have a gang"
Shawn:"Yea the muffin gang"
Brent:"Again shawn not that name it makes us look soft and girly"
Johnson:"Its the outsiders"
Gilinsky:"Do you wanna help luke?"
Michael:" We also wanna help"
Happy (Dolan) Tuesday ♡
More people are going to be in this book but i have a idea ♡
See ya next time berries ♡

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